Chapter 1441 Two Broken Domains
Rock Spirit Zhenjing is not too fond of these two names.

But in comparison, small stones are still acceptable.

Cowardly, but I don't want to be called a little coward all day long, pointing and pointing in front of my face.

"Brother Yi, I choose small stones." Yanling Zhenjing said immediately.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, and then asked, "Little Stone, how long have you been here?"

"It's been a long time." Rock Spirit Zhenjing said without thinking: "I've been staying here since I became spiritual."

Su Yi pondered for a while, then asked with a smile: "So, you know the environment here like the back of your hand."

"Almost." Rock Spirit Zhenjing replied: "The space here is not very big, I have been to all the places."

Su Yi's eyes lit up, "Did you find any treasures or spiritual materials?"

It was rumored that the Emerald Star Grass was in the Fallen Abyss, and this was what he was most concerned about.

"There are no treasures here." Rock Spirit Zhenjing said.

"No?" Su Yi frowned, and asked in disbelief: "No good things at all?"

"Really not." Rock Spirit Zhenjing affirmed.

Su Yi's face darkened, "Why not?"

Rock Spirit Zhenjing was stunned.

No, no, how did he know?He can't change it.

Besides, he has chosen to follow Su Yi, so there is no need to lie.

Yanling Zhenjing was about to cry, "Brother Yi, I really don't know why there isn't one."

[Smart Chariot] I felt a little sympathetic to the real crystal of the rock spirit, and reminded: "Su Yi, as cowardly as a little stone, I don't have the guts to lie to you. I guess, is the spiritual material you are looking for in another stone gate?" among?"

Su Yi suddenly remembered that when he entered the endless abyss, there were two stone gates on a stone wall.

One of them leads here, and the other one doesn't know what's going on.

Since the Emerald Star Grass is not here, most of them should be in another stone gate.

Thinking of this, Su Yi lifted his spirits, and then asked the rock spirit Zhenjing: "Little Shitou, what's going on in the Shimen next door to you?"

"In the domain next door, there is an existence similar to mine. The difference is that I am making rock spirits, and she is making spiritual plants." Rock Spirit True Crystal said quickly.

"Create spiritual plants?" Su Yi frowned.

Isn't creating spiritual plants the ability of the holy tree of the elves?Could it be that there is a holy tree of the elves in another stone gate?

But it's not right!

At that time, I learned from Ling Nianyao that there were only two holy trees of the elves in the elves.

One of them was beheaded by Su Chen, leaving only the little bald head.

Then, the other stone gate must not be the holy tree of the elves.

"What could it be?" Su Yi thought about it.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and asked the rock spirit Zhenjing: "Little Shitou, you just said that there is a domain in the other stone gate?"

Isn't the domain a small world for warriors in the true spirit realm?Once trapped in the domain, where is life left?

This is a joke.

Rock Spirit Zhenjing said affirmatively: "Not only is the domain next door, we are also in the domain. It's just that these two domains are broken."

"Broken domains?" Su Yi muttered, and tentatively asked, "Does it mean that the powerful people in the real spirit realm who own these two domains have already fallen?"

If this is the case, there is nothing to worry about.

Rock Spirit Zhenjing said: "It is true that it has fallen, otherwise, I would have no chance to produce spiritual wisdom."

(End of this chapter)

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