Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1443 Calling You Yuanyuan

Chapter 1443 Calling You Yuanyuan
The rock spirit Zhenjing said: "This mountain is my body, and if I lose it, I can't continue to make rock spirits."

Having said that, he let out a long sigh, feeling melancholy involuntarily.

The reason why he didn't want to leave was because he couldn't bear to part with this mountain.

But if you choose to follow Su Yi, you have to give up.

But in this way, his strength will undoubtedly drop to freezing point, and there are only four guardian rock spirits left to rely on in the future.

"Since it's your body, let's take it with you." Su Yi said indifferently.

"What?" Rock Spirit Zhenjing was stunned.

Such a huge mountain, just take it away?Su Yi is not joking, is he?
Su Yi didn't explain too much, and waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go out and put the mountain away."

After the words fell, he took the lead and walked out.

Yanling Zhenjing foolishly followed behind.

When they walked out, Su Yi raised his head and glanced at the mountain, and couldn't help but be shocked by the majesty of the mountain.

At the same time, I was a little worried, how many high-grade spirit crystals would I need to consume if I wanted to collect this mountain into world fragments?I don't know if I have enough.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked, "Number 2, how many high-grade spirit crystals do you think you need?"

"About 20." [Smart Chariot] whispered.

"20?" Su Yi clicked his tongue, his face full of pain.

20 high-grade spirit crystals is not a small amount, even with his family background, it is a bit unbearable.

But then I thought that the bigger the mountain, the more rock spirits will be produced, which is worth the money.

Later, Su Yi began to count the high-grade spirit crystals,
In recent days, he has killed a lot of martial artists in the supernatural realm, which can be regarded as accumulating some resources.

Originally planned to save the transformation time for the spiritual liquid to ripen the tree of life, but this time it seems that there will not be much left.

When Su Yi finished counting, he was dumbfounded that there was still a difference of [-].

There are still some top-grade spirit crystals in [Qiankun Ring], so it's no problem to replace high-grade spirit crystals.

However, the best spirit crystal is a necessity for the [smart chariot] to travel through the realm.

If you use it up, you won't be able to return to Blue Star.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and suddenly thought that there were still two spirit crystal mines in the world fragments.

It has not been mined since it was acquired.

It was originally because there was no manpower, but now there are hundreds more dwarfs, so let them do this job.

Later, Su Yi opened the world fragment and told Guan Yu about it.

Guan Yu readily agreed, and then led his clansmen to dig the Spirit Crystal Mine.

In order to increase efficiency, Su Yi simply handed over the mountain-breaking shovel to them and asked the Black Sun Rift Rat to help.

But no matter what, it will take some time to dig out [-] high-quality spirit crystals.

Su Yi was not too anxious, and while waiting, he happened to be able to get acquainted with Yuan Zimo.

Yuan Zimo spoke first, "Su Yi, thank you for your help. We dwarves will always remember your great kindness!"

"We're all friends, be polite." Su Yi smiled, and then asked, "How old are you this year?"

Yuan Zimo looked very young, but he couldn't guarantee that he had taken the fruit of Zhuyan.

"I am 27 years old." Yuan Zimo said without thinking.

"We are about the same age, we can meet each other as equals in the future." Su Yi said thoughtfully.

"Of course." Yuan Zimo said happily.

It is easier to get close to each other when they are peers.

Su Yi was also very happy, and smiled slightly, "Then I'll call you Yuanyuan from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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