Chapter 1461 in full swing
Because he was worried about the safety of the rear base, Su Yi left Wukong and Nannan at the rear base.

If these two big arms are there, they can help kill many beast spirits.

What's even more regrettable is that Nannan and Wukong also lost the opportunity to devour beast spirits to improve their strength.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Yiyi, you don't need to feel sorry for Wukong and Nannan."

"Yiyi?" Su Yi's face darkened immediately, and he said coldly, "Number 2, what did you call me?"

"Yiyi!" [Smart Chariot] said confidently: "Yuan Zimo can call you that, why can't I?"

Su Yi chuckled, "I advise you not to have such thoughts. If you dare to continue calling me Yiyi, I will change your name and change your number 2 to B."

"Change the number to B?" [Smart Chariot] muttered, "Isn't that 2B? Isn't this a curse?"

Su Yi added: "Do you think Yuan Zimo dares to call me like that all the time? I just don't have time to deal with him. After the beast spirits are dealt with, if he still dares to call me like that, his legs won't be broken!"

[Smart Chariot]: "You are too domineering"

Only Su Yi can name others as a co-author, and no one else can resist?
oppressive rule!


Su Yi ignored the feelings of [Smart Chariot], and asked instead: "What did you want to tell me just now?"

[Smart Chariot] said weakly: "You can grab the beast spirit and put it into the world fragments, and let Nannan and Wukong devour it when you go back."

"Good idea." Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately, and he said meaningfully: "Number 2, your brain is quite brilliant, definitely not comparable to that of 2B!"

"Are you praising me? Or scolding me?" [Smart Chariot] was very unhappy.

Su Yi didn't pay any attention to it, and looked at the beast spirit with wandering eyes, his eyes showing a look of deep thought.

Capturing beast spirits is actually more difficult than hunting beast spirits. First of all, they cannot be killed, and secondly, they must be seriously injured, making them lose their combat effectiveness.

To be able to grasp this fire, he is the only person present who has this ability.

Of course, right now, hunting is still the main thing, and it won't be too late to catch them when they are almost killed.

Later, Su Yi stopped thinking about other things and began to rest.

But before resting for a while, the rock spirit suffered a lot of damage, which also caused the defense line to loosen again.

There is no way, Su Yi can only let the rock spirit real crystal continue to make rock spirits.

A day later, the battle was still in full swing.

During this period, Su Yi shot dozens of times, and he didn't know how many beast spirits he killed.

But the number of beast spirits still shows no sign of decreasing, densely packed like an endless stream.

This leads to considerable wear and tear on them.

All the spiritual pets were injured, and their physical strength was exhausted, lying on the ground motionless at the moment.

The same was true for Yuan Zimo and others, who were so tired that they lay sprawled on the ground, panting heavily.

The reason why it has been able to persist until now is all due to the continuous production of rock spirits by the rock spirit real crystal.

However, this consumes too much rock spirit crystal.

Tens of thousands of rock spirits were created, and the tall mountain was obviously missing a lot.

If it continues like this, perhaps within a few days, the entire mountain will be exhausted.

Without the help of rock spirits, it would be really dangerous.

In addition, the pea shooter has also started to die down.

Although they claim to be able to attack infinitely, they are durable after all.

After a day of continuous attack, the barrel of the gun was deformed.There must be a period of rest, or all will be abolished.

(End of this chapter)

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