Chapter 1465 Kill the Island

"We'll be there soon." Su Yi clenched his hands tightly, and for the first time showed a trace of relief on his face.

As long as you land on the island and kill the spirits on it, the crisis will be over.

The beast spirit seemed to realize Su Yi's purpose, and launched wave after wave of crazy attacks.

It's just that they don't have the ability to attack from a distance, and they can only fight close to the body, and they can't break through the defense line formed by Su Yi and all the pets.

When the [Smart Chariot] was less than one kilometer away from the island, the hull suddenly shook violently.

"Su Yi, it's bad! There are beast spirits attacking me below!" [Smart Chariot] shouted anxiously.

After being promoted to the ultimate form, his defense power has also increased a lot, and there is no problem with resisting the attack of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

But the key point is that if the attack density is too frequent, he will not be able to bear it.

In addition, it is difficult for him to move forward when he is attacked by beast spirits.

"I'll handle it!" Su Yi plunged into the sea, but saw that there were no less beast spirits under the sea than on the surface.

After the beast spirit found Su Yi, Qi Qi opened his mouth and attacked Su Yi.

"Get out!" Su Yi roared, and raised his hand to hit [Storm Hammer].

In sea water, the power of [Storm Hammer] will be offset by a lot, but killing the beast spirits is still no problem.

In an instant, dozens of beast spirits surrounding the [Smart Chariot] were torn to pieces.

Su Yi didn't stop, he kept slashing and slashing with the sword of chaos.

A series of thick chaotic sword qi shot out in all directions, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the beast spirits.

Without any resistance, the [Smart Chariot] moves forward at high speed.

After 5 minutes, finally landed on the island.

Su Yi also rushed up from the bottom of the sea at this time.

There are also countless beast spirits gathered on the island, so densely packed that nothing can be seen.

However, through the previous interrogation, Su Yi learned that the spirit was located in the center of the island, hiding in a formation.

Su Yi took a glance, and led a group of spiritual pets towards the center of the island to kill.

I don't know how long it took to kill, a round transparent mask suddenly appeared in front of him, like a cauldron turned upside down.

Obviously, this mask is a formation.

Su Yi glanced intently at the formation, only to see a little boy in a yellow shirt inside, who was really anxiously shouting all around.

"Su Yi, he is that weapon spirit!" [Smart Chariot] reminded.

Su Yi stared at the little boy, gritted his teeth and growled, "You f*ck wait for me, I have to skin you!"

After fighting for three days in a row, not to mention the consumption of a lot of spirit crystals, the peak of the rock spirit crystal's body has dropped sharply to less than one-fifth of its original size.

The loss is so great, it is like suffering a major disaster!

And what caused all of this was the Artifact Spirit in front of him.

Su Yi wished he could crush it into pieces!
Muran, holding the sword of chaos in his hand, injected the energy of the law of chaos, and slashed on the mask of the formation in the air.

A bang!
After being hit by this blow, the formation mask trembled violently, but quickly regained its composure.

"Damn it! Is the defense so strong?"

Su Yi was extremely surprised to see that there was no damage to the formation mask.

One must know that the Sword of Chaos is forged from the Eight Desolation Ting Flame Stone, which has a strong ability to break defenses, coupled with the aura of the law of chaos, how powerful is it?Unable to damage the formation!
So how powerful is this formation?

(End of this chapter)

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