Chapter 147 I'm Waiting
Chenghai glanced at Han Feng, ignored him, and turned to Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, are you okay? What happened?"

It didn't sound like a question at all, more like a greeting of concern.

"Captain Cheng, I'm fine."

Su Yi smiled slightly, and then explained what happened.

"Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

Cheng Hai promised, then looked at the bald old man, and asked in a cold voice: "Is the matter as Su Yi said?"


The bald old man swallowed and nodded wildly.

He had already seen that Chenghai was completely on Su Yi's side.

If you don't follow Chenghai's wishes, don't even think about spending time in Yuancheng in the future.

Besides, the truth is exactly what Su Yi said.

"Han Feng, what else can you say?"

Cheng Hai's eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with ice-cold piercing coldness.

Originally, Su Yi had taught Han Feng a lesson and didn't want to pursue it any further, but Chenghai didn't want to stop.

Su Yi has a special status. If Han Feng is spared lightly and the Jiang family finds out about it later, he will not be able to explain it.

Therefore, Han Feng must be punished.

"what do you want?"

Han Feng gritted his teeth and growled.

Chenghai didn't give any face, so he didn't have to swallow his anger.

He still doesn't believe it anymore, with his status as a direct descendant of the Han family, there is nothing a law enforcement team in Yuancheng can do to get him.

"Grab it!"

Cheng Hai waved his hand.

Immediately, the surrounding Yuancheng law enforcement team rushed forward and knocked Han Feng to the ground.

"Chenghai, my father is in Yuancheng, how dare you treat me like this!"

Han Feng yelled so loudly that he almost shed tears of aggrieved tears.

Ever since he was a child, has he ever been humiliated like this?
"Han Qianshan is here, I will give him an explanation." Cheng Hai snorted coldly.

Han Sanqian is Han Feng's father and the current head of the Han family, a martial artist at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm.

"Chenghai, don't be crazy! If you have the ability, let me call!"

Han Feng roared angrily.

With Han Sanqian's status, even if the Lord of Yuancheng met him, he would still be courteous.

If Han Qianshan was present, Chenghai would never dare to make things difficult for him.

At that time, he will not spare Chenghai and Su Yi lightly.

"Think that I will be afraid when I find your father?"

Chenghai smiled contemptuously, then waved his hand, signaling the law enforcement team to release Han Feng.

Han Feng quickly got up from the ground, took out his mobile phone and called Han Qianshan.

"Father, I'm at Lingxuan's weapons store. Chenghai from the Law Enforcement Team wants to arrest me. Come and rescue me!"

"What the hell! Just wait, I'll be right there!"

A man's growl came from the other end of the phone.

Han Feng hung up the phone, stared at Chenghai coldly, and said arrogantly: "Chenghai, my father will be here soon, let's see how you end up!"

"I am waiting!"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Chenghai's mouth.

Han Qianshan's identity is indeed unusual, but so what?
If Han Qianshan found out about Su Yi's identity, he might be scared to death.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a thick back and a rough face walked into the weapon shop. He was Han Qianshan.

As soon as Han Qianshan appeared, he strode up to Han Feng, ignoring the obstruction of the law enforcement team.

"Feng'er, who bullied you!"

When he came to Han Feng, Han Qianshan asked in a muffled voice.

"Chenghai and this kid!"

Han Feng pointed at Chenghai and Su Yi, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Han Qianshan glanced at Su Yi, then turned his eyes on Chenghai, and asked coldly: "Chenghai, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation for this matter!"

Although very angry, he still held back and did not explode.

Chenghai knew Han Feng's identity, so why did he dare to target Han Feng?
Could it be that there is another secret in it?

(End of this chapter)

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