Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1470 Chaos Treasure, Resurrection Compass

Chapter 1470 Chaos Treasure, Resurrection Compass

"Master, I can't control him?" Meng'e lowered her head and said.

"Huh?" Su Yi was a little strange.

Didn't Meng'e say that anyone below the level of supernatural powers can be controlled?

Could it be because of the special environment here?
Or did it not hurt enough?
But the little boy has been abused for a while, and the breath on his body is very weak, so it is reasonable to say that it is fine.

Is it necessary to remove the limbs?

Su Yi thought of the way he used to interrogate before, so he asked, "Xiaomeng, should I remove his limbs to control him?"

When the little boy heard that his limbs were about to be removed, his whole body trembled, and he hurriedly said, "You don't need to be so troublesome. What do you want to ask, I will answer it truthfully."

"Shut up!" Su Yi put his foot on the corner of the little boy's mouth, and turned to look at Meng'e.

Meng'e explained: "It's not because of this, but mainly because his body is too powerful and beyond my control."

"The main body is too powerful?" Su Yi pondered for a moment, then sneered at the little boy, "What is your main body?"

The little boy is a tool spirit, but it is not clear what kind of treasure it is derived from.

"If I tell you the truth, you can't hit me again." The little boy looked at Su Yi pitifully and begged.

Su Yi's eyes widened, and he snorted softly, "Don't talk to me about conditions!"

The little boy shrank his neck and said honestly: "My body is a compass."

"Take out your body." Su Yi ordered.

The little boy didn't dare to defy, and stretched out his hand towards the ground not far away.

clack clack.
Accompanied by the sound of breaking the ground, a wooden disc with a size of Zhang Xu and exuding a simple atmosphere emerged from the soil.

Su Yi glanced intently, but saw that the disc was a dark blue color, with a very mysterious and complex pattern engraved on the surface.

After just one glance, he felt dazzled, and a very psychedelic feeling arose in his heart.

At that time, when I saw the blue vortex for the first time, I also had this feeling.

Could it be that this compass is dead?

Su Yi didn't think about anything else, and was about to ask about the origin of the compass, when a very strong feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

It is the manifestation of the ability to sense treasures to resonate.

And this time, the reaction of the sensory treasure completely surpassed any previous time.

This shows that the compass in front of him is not only a treasure, but more likely a treasure.

"What's the name of this compass?" Su Yi asked, holding back his excitement.

"Resurrection compass." The little boy replied weakly.

"The name sounds a bit silly, but what exactly does it do?" Su Yi muttered.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] shouted excitedly: "Su Yi, the resurrection compass is a treasure of chaos!"

"What?" Su Yi roared in shock.

Treasures are classified according to quality, divided into Acquired Divine Weapons, Innate Magical Treasures, and Chaos Supreme Treasures.

Among them, the Chaos Supreme Treasure is of the highest quality.

The reason is also very simple. The treasure of chaos was naturally conceived when the world first opened, and it contains the laws of heaven, which is above the power of any laws.

Of course, its quantity is extremely rare.

Su Yi has encountered many treasures, including two innate magic weapons, but he has never encountered the treasure of chaos.

"No. 2, what is the function of the resurrection compass?" Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] said directly: "It has two functions. First, it can be used as the eye of the formation to arrange a large-scale psychedelic formation. Second, it can resurrect any dead creatures!"

(End of this chapter)

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