Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1474 Start with the Titans first

Chapter 1474 Start with the Titans first
Time flies, three days have passed.

Su Yi didn't intend to stay any longer, and under the guidance of little 2B, he came to the island leading to the outside world.

After entering the teleportation array, it was easy to teleport out.

The moment it went out, the 【Smart Chariot】transformed into a submarine form.

Su Yi entered it, and immediately asked, "Number 2, have you found the whereabouts of the Feiyu clansman in the True Spirit Realm?"

"No, that guy is not nearby." [Smart Chariot] said quickly.

"That's good." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and ordered: "No. 2, turn on the flight mode, and let's return to Blue Star."

The flying speed of [Smart Chariot] is much faster than that of a submarine.

Considering that he will not continue to stay in the Feather Continent in the future, it doesn't matter if his whereabouts are exposed, as long as he can return to Blue Star as soon as possible.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Su Yi, don't worry, the point connecting to Blue Star is just above, we can leave at any time."

Su Yi said strangely: "When we entered the blue vortex, weren't we far away from the boundary point? How come we are beside you after we come out?"

[Smart Chariot] explained: "Isn't the blue vortex moving by itself? It may be because it has moved over the past few days."

"Oh." Su Yi nodded, and then ordered: "No. 2, go back to Blue Star."

It's never safe to stay here, it's best to leave early.


[Smart Chariot] rushed out of the sea, transformed into a flying form, and rushed towards the location of the boundary point at high speed.

The next moment, he disappeared into the sky.

A few seconds later, it appeared in a brand new sea area.

Su Yi glanced out and felt a lot more relaxed.

Because this place is exactly where the [Smart Chariot] shuttled into the Feather Continent at that time, that is, the Hanging Sea.

This means that they successfully returned to Blue Star, so there is no danger.

"Su Yi, what shall we do next? Return to the forbidden area of ​​death?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, "There are some grievances that must always be resolved."

[Smart Chariot] Immediately understood that Su Yi was about to take revenge.

During this trip to Feiyu Clan Continent, Su Yi's personal strength has not increased, but the strength of his spiritual pet has increased rapidly. In addition, he has subdued the Four King Kongs. Even if all the alien races in the Hanging Sea are leveled, there will be no problem at all. .

[Smart Chariot] also wanted revenge a long time ago, and asked excitedly: "Su Yi, who shall we attack first?"

Su Yi said lightly: "Naturally, they are the Protoss and the Titans."

He will not let go of any aliens in the sky.

But the Protoss and the Titans had ambushed him after all and nearly killed him.

It is not his style to not get rid of these two races in the first place.

【Intelligent Chariot】It flew straight in one direction, and what it was going to was the island where the giant Taita was.

Because I have been there once, I have already left the coordinates, and I am familiar with the road.

It took less than half an hour to reach the sky over the island.

At this time, the number of Titans on the island has increased, and there are five more baby Titans.


After the hatch was opened, Su Yi jumped onto the island.

The titans also quickly spotted Su Yi, and they all surrounded him.

The twenty-foot-tall adult Taita giant glanced at Su Yi, and said in surprise, "Human, how dare you come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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