Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1476 The next target, Protoss

Chapter 1476 Next target, Protoss
All the spiritual pets have been promoted to the supernatural state, and it's like playing with a few juvenile Taita giants.

After a while, seven juvenile Taita giants died tragically on the spot.

The remaining three alive were pressed to the ground and rubbed.

[Smart chariot] came to Su Yi, and asked strangely: "Su Yi, what do you mean by keeping them?"

Su Yi took a bite of the watermelon, chewed it a few times, and said, "Take it back and give it to the people in the rear base to practice."


[Smart Chariot] Got it.

People in the rear base generally lack combat experience, especially the experience of fighting against strong people is even scarcer.

With these three juvenile Titans, it can really help them improve quickly.

However, it was not a good thing for the three baby tita giants.

Although their lives were temporarily saved, it also heralded the official beginning of their tragic fate.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Suddenly, four loud cracking sounds resounded across the island.

Su Yi put down the watermelon in his hand, turned his head and glanced, and in his sight, the Four King Kongs lifted the adult Titan into mid-air, hugging the adult Titan's thighs with two arms, pulling them outward desperately.

No matter how strong the body structure of the Titan is, it cannot withstand the tearing of the Four King Kong.

There were four loud bangs, but the limbs of the adult Titan Titan were separated from the body immediately.


The titan with only one head left screamed again and again.

"It's so cruel!" Seeing this scene, Su Yi slammed his tongue severely.

He didn't expect the Four King Kong to use such a cruel method.

However, after all, the titan is the lackey of the beast, even if he suffers a thousand cuts, it is his own fault.

Thinking of this, Su Yi quickly felt relieved, and at the same time felt a little regretful.

If there is one more guardian rock spirit, a five-horse dismemberment can come!

On the other side, a guardian rock spirit threw away its arm, rushed forward, and crushed the head of an adult Titan with one foot.

Since then, the battle is over.

"Xiaomeng, control them and ask about the island where the Protoss is located." Su Yi ordered.

We will deal with the protoss later, but we don't know the exact location of the protoss.

Not to mention the trouble of finding islands one after another, it is very likely that they will scare away the other party.

The relationship between the Titans and the Protoss is good, and they ambushed him here last time, most of them should know where the Protoss is.

Under Meng'e's control, the three juvenile Titans confessed truthfully, and one of them knew where the Protoss island was.

After figuring out the exact location, Su Yi didn't waste time, destroyed the boundary channel, and got on the [smart chariot] and roared away.

Twenty minutes later, when the island where the Protoss was located was 10 kilometers away, [Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, we found the island where the Protoss is located, but there are only two Protoss people in the Gathering Soul Realm on it."

"Huh?" Su Yi frowned and pondered.

Did the other party run away after hearing the news that he was coming?Or did he return to the boundary channel?

No matter what the situation is, it is always unpleasant not to be able to kill the eleven protoss.

"Su Yi, what should we do?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"Arrest and torture those two Protoss people first." Su Yi said coldly.

[Smart Chariot] Raise the speed and fly towards the island.

When flying over the island, Su Yi leaped down and returned to the car with the two protoss like he was catching chickens.

(End of this chapter)

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