Chapter 1486 Development Policy
Later, Su Yi took Wukong and left the world fragments.

Seeing Wukong's bruised nose and swollen face, the three girls all laughed.

Wukong was annoyed, but he didn't dare to attack, he was really scared by Su Yi.

Su Yi glanced at it, and said in a deep voice: "I have taught Wukong a lesson, he will keep a low profile in the future. As for you, please calm down. If anyone provokes troubles, I will treat them equally and clean them up one by one!"

In recent days, with the improvement of cultivation, all the spiritual pets have gradually grown tempers, and no one obeys the other.

This is not a good sign. If it continues to develop, bloodshed is likely to be staged, and it is not conducive to the unity between spiritual pets.

The reason why he took action to teach Wukong a lesson was also to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys!
"Yes!" All the pets agreed.

Su Yi nodded slightly, then summoned other pets and ordered them to be responsible for the security of the rear base.

After making the arrangement, he brought the World-Mietering Huoyang Tree into 【Lin Lang Jie】.

When he first came to the Forbidden Land of Death, Mieshi Huoyangshu was still the second strongest person after him.

But several months have passed, and the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree is still at the second level of the Illusory Spirit Realm, and has not made any progress.

Su Yi didn't want the Mieshi Huoyang Tree to become a tasteless one.

[Lin Lang Jie] can speed up the growth of spiritual plants, which will help to some extent.

Later, Su Yi went to Zhiyao Pagoda.

There is only one purpose here, to refine some urgently needed elixir.

The next day, inside the Demon Planting Pagoda, there were crowds of people.

Except for the guardian spirit pet and the two mechanical soldiers, everyone in the rear base gathered, including the new dwarves.

This is also the first time that the rear base has gathered so neatly since the establishment of the rear base.

As the lord, Su Yi delivered a short speech and set the future development policy.

In the second stage of the rear base, all members practice, and the pills needed for cultivation are supplied in unlimited quantities.

Upon hearing the news, everyone was extremely excited, and there was a scene of cheering in the Yaozhi Tower.

After Su Yi finished speaking, Jiangcheng began to distribute the pills, and the first one was the Magic Body Pill.

The magic body pill has the effect of permanently increasing the strength of one thousand kilograms, no matter what level of practitioner it is.

Everyone receives one by one, one for each.

After the Magic Body Pill was released, the Body Building Pill was released next.

The Body Building Pill is only effective for warriors below the Soul Gathering Realm, and all those who receive the Body Quenching Pill are Qi and Blood Realm and Body Quenching Realm warriors.

Of course, the number of distributions is also different, there are more at the Qi and Blood level, and relatively less at the Body Tempering level.

If there is not enough, come back later to get it.

The third round is the Shengling Pill, which is a elixir for the Body Tempering Realm to advance to the Soul Gathering Realm, and it is only helpful to the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

Not many people meet this requirement.

The fourth round is the Violent Spirit Pill, which is a elixir to improve the soul-gathering realm warriors.

However, take no more than two capsules at a time.

There are not many soul-gathering realm warriors in the rear base, and many of them have taken the Violent Spirit Pill, so they are distributed very quickly.

As for the Yuqing Guling Pill, it has not been released for the time being due to the lack of refining.

In the last round, the Star Sign Ziling Fruit and the Extraction Pill were distributed, and all warriors in the Illusory Spiritual Realm received one each.

After the elixir was distributed, Su Yi called Su Lin, Jiang Piaoxue, Jiang Haoran and Cao Qinglang to his side and started the small stove.

The four of Su Lin are his close relatives and friends, and they must help them advance to the next level first.

(End of this chapter)

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