Chapter 1493
"A strength value of [-] kilograms? A spiritual pet that cultivates both law and body?" Gu Haotian spat fiercely, and said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, your spiritual pet is too powerful!"

With a cultivation base of the fifth level of the Divine Ability Realm, plus a strength value of [-] kilograms, the combat power that can be displayed is absolutely incomparably sturdy, even rivaling him!
Before Su Yi could reply, Wukong said first, "It's just average, far worse than the master."

Su Yiqi gritted his teeth, glared at Wukong, and said to himself: I told you to keep a low profile a long time ago.

However, now is not the time to be angry with Wukong, he turned to Gu Haotian and said: "Senior, let's talk about the Shuanglu County, how is the current situation?"

Gu Haotian's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "The news I just got is that the situation is not optimistic! The army of the Jiaochi tribe has already surrounded Anjiang City."

Although Anjiang City is a small city, it has a population of several 10.

If there is no foreign aid, it will be destroyed by the Jiaochi tribe.

"Did the Jiaochi clan launch an attack?" Su Yi asked.

Gu Haotian said, "No."

Su Yi frowned, and muttered: "This is strange."

I heard from Gu Haotian yesterday that among the Jiaochi clan there are two strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm. With their strength, it should be an easy task to destroy a small city.

So why not attack?
Gu Haotian guessed: "They must have a purpose, maybe it is to force our strong to go to the rescue."

Su Yi also felt that this possibility was very high.

The Jiaochi tribe probably set up an ambush near Anjiang City, waiting for them to take the bait.

Because there are hundreds of thousands of people in Anjiang City, it is impossible for them to give up.

The opponent is grasping this point, so they will not attack Anjiang City.

"The Jiaochi clan is insidious enough." Su Yi's face turned grim.

Even if he knew that the other party had set a trap, he would not back down.

With his current strength, still don't believe that the opponent can make waves?

"Su Yi, we'd better be careful." Gu Haotian reminded with a solemn expression.

"Well, let's play by ear." Su Yi nodded slightly.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for an hour, he suddenly said: "Su Yi, a large number of Jiaochi people appeared outside a city ahead."

"No. 2, transmit the screen." Su Yi ordered.

He hadn't met the Jiaochi clan yet, so he wanted to know about it in advance.

Turning the screen on the central control screen, I saw thousands of burly aliens with a layer of black hair gathered densely around a city.

As far as the image is concerned, it is as ugly as the half-orcs, and it is definitely a species that has failed to evolve.

In addition, their biggest feature is that there is a dark horn growing on their foreheads, and they don't know what it is used for.

Su Yi glanced at it, and then asked: "No. 2, what level is the opponent's strongest person?"

Know yourself and know your enemy.

Before starting a fight, it is always necessary to know the details of the opponent first, so as not to overturn the gutter.

"There are only two sixth-level warriors in the supernatural realm." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Only two?" Su Yixu squinted his eyes, revealing a look of deep thought.

According to the previous analysis, an ambush must have been laid near Anjiang City.

As for why he didn't see it, it was probably hidden.

Moreover, their concealment can block the detection of [Smart Chariot].

It's like the first time you went to hunt the Titans, a formation was set up on the island, hiding eleven Protoss people.

(End of this chapter)

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