Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 152 I really treat myself as a character

Chapter 152 I really treat myself as a character


Su Lin's complexion changed, and she said anxiously: "Brother, why did you sign up? Don't you know that Yulan City is very dangerous?"

Although Su Yi can crush the tenth-level warriors of Qi and Blood Realm, and his real combat power is comparable to that of the Body Tempering Realm, he has not reached the Body Tempering Realm after all.

And there are still many fierce beasts left in Yulan City, most of them are in the Body Tempering Realm.

She was very worried about Su Yi's safety.

Su Yi smiled, "I am at the eighth level of Qi and Blood Realm, and I have tempered six bones. Do you think I am qualified to sign up?"

"Eighth level of energy and blood realm! Six bones have been tempered!"

Su Lin covered her mouth with shock on her face.

If this is the case, Su Yi's strength is not below the fourth level of Body Tempering Realm, and it is not a big problem to go to Yulan City.

"Brother, are you serious?"

Su Lin made a tentative sound.

Even if Su Yi has the talent for invisible combat, the promotion speed is too fast, right?

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?"

Su Yi nodded, and then urged: "Tell Mom, I'm leaving."

After the words fell, he walked straight out.

Half an hour later, Su Yi came to the gate of Nanwai City.

The assembly point is here.

At this time, a large number of warriors had gathered in front of the city gate, roughly estimated to be close to two hundred.

"Su Yi!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Su Yi's ears.

Su Yi looked around, but saw Liu Qian'er waving at him.

Standing beside Liu Qian'er were Shen Jieling and a dozen or so male students.

"Senior Sister Liu, Senior Sister Shen."

Su Yi walked forward with a smile and said hello.

"Su Yi, will you form a team with us?" Shen Jieling said.

As early as a few days ago, they had contacted by phone and wanted to form a team together.

Before Su Yi could answer, Ling Haotian said first: "Su Yi is now the treasure of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy. If something goes wrong, we can't afford it. We'd better not let him join."

Another male student echoed: "Su Yi is only a freshman in high school after all, and his strength is limited after all. Being with us will seriously drag us down."

"We don't know Su Yi well, and we don't fit in together."

Other students followed suit.

Seeing that Liu Qian'er and Shen Jieling were both so enthusiastic about Su Yi, they were filled with jealousy, so of course they didn't want Su Yi to join.

"You don't want to be defeated, I want to form a team with Su Yi anyway." Liu Qian'er said firmly.

"Me too." Shen Jieling did the same.

Hearing this, the faces of Ling Haotian and others are not very good-looking.

The purpose of their trip, one is to kill the beast, and the other is to get close to Liu Xi'er.

How could Su Yi and Liu Qian'er be allowed to form a team alone?

Ling Haotian gritted his teeth and said: "Then let Su Yi join, but the ugly words come first, if Su Yi drags his feet, we will not care about him!"

"Do you really think of yourself as someone? I need your permission to join or not? What are you!" Su Yi suddenly sneered.

Ling Haotian obviously didn't put himself in the right position, he regarded himself as the decision maker of the team and issued orders.

Shame on him?
He will not be used to Ling Haotian.

"Su Yi, do you really think I can't do anything to you if someone backs you up?"

Ling Haotian's face was gloomy and cold, his hands were clenched and creaking.

Last time at the gate of the Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy, Su Yi made a fuss, and he still hates Su Yi to the bone.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi became more and more presumptuous, and this time he actually humiliated him in front of everyone.

Especially when Shen Jieling was present.

Just ask, how can he bear it?

(End of this chapter)

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