Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1523 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 1523 Entering the Secret Realm
"What's going on?" Black Tenon Eagle's face became extremely ugly.

If you can't even get through Shimen, how can you arrest Su Yi?

A member of the Yan tribe who was at the tenth level of the psychic state stepped forward and reminded: "Brother Hei, this stone gate must have a cultivation limit, and the tenth level of the psychic state should not be able to enter."

"Cultivation limit?" Black Tenon Eagle murmured, and turned to order to a group of monsters at the eighth level of divine power: "Try it, if you can get in, you must arrest that famous human race!"


All the monsters responded in unison, and the leopard-shaped monster was the first to walk towards the stone gate.

This time, he didn't encounter any resistance, and was teleported away soon after entering.

Seeing this, the black mortise eagle's eyes suddenly lit up, and hastily ordered the other eighth-level monsters to enter.

At the same time, the people of the Yan tribe who were at the tenth level of the supernatural power gave orders to their own people to enter.

It has been verified that those above the ninth level of the spiritual realm cannot enter, but there are no restrictions for those below the eighth level of the spiritual realm.

All of a sudden, hundreds of aliens poured into Shimen.

There are not only Yan people and undead people, but also some other races.

After all the aliens who met the requirements entered, there were twenty or thirty aliens left outside the stone gate.

Obviously, they are all fighters above the ninth level of the divine realm.

At this time, the black tenon eagle asked the Tenchongyan clansman in the supernatural realm: "Brother Ji, what is the origin of this secret realm?"

The Yan tribe replied: "It is rumored that it is the cave that was left behind after the great master of the real spirit realm fell."

Hearing this, Black Tenon Eagle's heart skipped a beat.

There must be a lot of treasures in the cave of the real spirit realm.

However, it is nothing compared to capturing [Smart Chariot].

Because the value of [Smart Chariot] is equivalent to a Chaos Supreme Treasure, what can compare to the Chaos Supreme Treasure?
Black tenon eagle pondered for a moment, then spoke again, "Then when will this secret realm be closed?"

The Yan tribe said truthfully: "The opening time of the secret realm is ten days. Once the time is up, any entrants will be teleported out."

"That's good!" There was a sneer on the corner of Black Eagle's mouth.

Even if his clansmen failed to catch Su Yi, when Su Yi was teleported out, they still couldn't escape from his grasp.

All that needs to be done now is to wait slowly.

On the other side, Su Yi came to a dim world after a brief teleportation.

A layer of gray mist floated in the air, mixed with a pungent smell of blood.

The surroundings are quiet, and the silence is a little weird.

"What the hell place?" Su Yi muttered, scanning around.

In the line of sight, there are stone pillars of different heights, as if entering a stone forest.

Other than that, nothing else!
After finding that there was no danger, Su Yi took a breath, and then opened the world fragments.

[Smart Chariot] Injured and fainted, I don't know if his life is in danger.

I have been running for my life before, and I have no time to pay attention.

Among the fragments of the world, the dwarves did not know what happened, and they were still mining the mines.

[Smart Chariot] Staying aside, but has come to his senses.

Su Yi called out softly, "Number 2, you finally woke up, I thought you were dead! Fortunately you didn't die, otherwise Xiaohong would have remarried."

[Smart Chariot]: "."

The way you comfort people is so unique!

Su Yi then asked: "No. 2, are you seriously injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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