Chapter 1533

Ten minutes later, Su Yi flew to the edge of the valley.

At this moment, the fighting in the valley was still fierce.

Hundreds of aliens rushed towards a stone cave frantically, while the blood spirits outside tried their best to stop them, and the scene gradually became heated.

From time to time, a blood spirit would choose to explode itself, or be killed on the spot.

On the side of the aliens, occasionally someone was injured and fell to the ground, and then was torn to pieces by the swarming blood spirits.

Su Yi glanced at it, and rushed towards the valley without hesitation.

On the way, he used [Transformation Magic Ability] to become a member of the Yan tribe, and he blended into it without any effort.

The evil insect did not give up, and still pursued Su Yi closely.

But there were too many Yan people in the valley, and he couldn't tell which one was transformed by Su Yi.

"And let you live a little longer!" The evil insect roared angrily, and then rushed towards a Yan clan member beside him.

The Yan clansman was completely unaware of the approaching danger, and continued to manipulate the figurative object and fight with the blood spirit.

Suddenly, he felt a stabbing pain in his neck, and he roared immediately.

But it only yelled once, and turned into a mummy the next moment.

Although in the middle of a fight, this scene was still noticed by many foreigners.

Immediately, several aliens surrounded the Yan tribe controlled by the evil insects.

"Hey. You are all my food, don't even try to run away!" The evil insect grinned and rushed towards a foreigner who was near him.

"Looking for death!" The alien roared loudly, and swiped at the evil insect with a figurative long sword.

The evil insect did not dodge or evade, allowing the long sword to penetrate through the body.

what's the situation?
The alien was stunned, killed so easily?

But just when he was stunned, the evil insect suddenly accelerated, and with a pounce, the alien was crushed to the ground, and he opened his bloody mouth and bit the alien's neck.

The alien let out a heart-piercing scream, struggled a bit and then stopped, turning into a mummy.

"What monster is this?"

Seeing this scene, all the aliens suddenly felt chills.

Being penetrated by a figurative object, but unscathed, it is too weird!
"Everyone, be careful, this Yan clansman has been controlled by evil insects, let's kill him together!"

Among the aliens present, there were also well-informed ones, a tall, beautiful female alien with a blue body reminded.

"Avatar?" Su Yi glanced at the female alien and muttered involuntarily.

Just from the appearance, this female alien is exactly the same as the Na'vi in ​​the movie "Avatar".

[Smart Chariot] said in a low voice: "Su Yi, this is a member of the Dong tribe, and they also surrendered to the fierce beast."

"Got it." Su Yi's eyes became cold.

Anyone who submits to the beast is his enemy!

"Evil insects!"

There was a roar all around.

The evil insects came from the vampires, but they were not of the same species.

They are cruel by nature, and what they are best at is controlling creatures, and improving their strength by devouring essence and blood.

Moreover, once the evil insects are promoted to the supernatural state, their self-healing ability will be infinitely improved.

As long as it is not a fatal injury, it can heal itself in an instant, which is equivalent to an existence that cannot be killed.

After learning the identity of the evil insect, the aliens began to panic.

"Hmph! It's just an evil bug, I'll take care of him!" Muran let out a cold howl.

But he saw a tall figure leaping out from behind the Dong woman.

In terms of body shape, there is no difference from the human race.

But his head is in the shape of an octopus, which looks very disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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