Chapter 1537
"Damn!" Su Yi cursed secretly, and ran to the wall to search, to see if there were any hidden doors or the like.

But before he could grope twice, a white light suddenly shot down from the secret room, and a figure was wrapped in it, which was the fierce beast.

Apparently, the ominous beast was also teleported here.

The next moment, four more white lights fell, which were the woman from the Dong tribe, an undead tribe member and two Yan tribe tribe members.

When the five people appeared, the whole secret room shook suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a silvery luster appeared on the ground and walls, exuding strong spatial fluctuations, as if there was an additional spatial barrier.

Seeing this, Su Yi's face turned ugly.

Originally, this secret room was extremely strong, and with the addition of this space barrier, it would be even more impossible to break through.

To survive, the beast and the four aliens must be killed.

But the other party is a strong man at the eighth level of the supernatural power, if he is alone, he will not be an opponent at all.

"Ha ha!"

The ferocious beast suddenly laughed wildly, "Boy, are you running? Let me see where you can run this time?"

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "Even if I die, I will hold you back, so how proud!"

With his ability, there is still a great deal of confidence in killing the five opponents before he dies.

Because there is a golden light leopard in the eighth level of the divine realm among the world fragments. If the blood sacrifice technique is used, the power of self-detonation is stronger than that of the tenth level of the divine realm.

The space here is small, and no one will be spared by that time.

Of course, he wouldn't do that unless it was absolutely necessary.

The ferocious beast sneered, "A mere piece of rubbish at the fifth level of the supernatural realm dares to speak wild words, I will kill you today!"

After the words fell, he rushed to Su Yi frantically, raised his hand and punched him out.

Su Yi was fearless, and also punched out.

In an instant, the two fists collided without fancy, and a loud bang broke out.

Da da da.
In a burst of rapid footsteps.

Su Yi and the beast retreated back at the same time.

The difference is that Su Yi only took four or five steps back to stabilize his figure.

On the other hand, the ferocious beast retreated more than ten steps.

In the blow just now, the two were competing for strength.

Judging from the scene, Su Yi clearly had the upper hand.

"How is it possible?" The beast opened its eyes wide and looked at Su Yi with horror and disbelief.

You know, his strength value has broken through the level of [-] kilograms.

But still not as good as the opponent.

Doesn't this mean that the strength value of this young man in front of him has broken through the level of [-] kilograms!
However, the physical fitness of the human race is almost the bottom among all races. How can it be possible to have such a strong strength value?
"What a powerful force!" The four aliens were shocked.

That woman from the Dong nationality once again had a gleam of light in her eyes.

"Let's go together!" The fierce beast slowed down for a while, then roared at the four aliens.

Although he only fought Su Yi once, he knew clearly that Su Yi was definitely a difficult character.

In order to avoid complications, he planned to surround and kill Su Yi.


Two people from the Yan tribe and the undead tribe have manifested their concrete objects one after another, and they are about to attack Su Yi.

Suddenly there was a booming sound in the secret room.

However, one of the walls suddenly shattered, revealing a dark space.

The dark wind gusts inside, like an endless abyss, emitting a gloomy and terrifying aura.

(End of this chapter)

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