Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1541 The Fifth Wave Attack

Chapter 1541 The Second Wave of Attack

"Do it!" The fierce beast roared, and suddenly summoned a puppet.

This puppet has the cultivation base of the fifth level of the supernatural realm, holding a blue shield, and firmly blocked in front of him.

The undead also held a metal shield with black awns on it.

At this moment, he stood in front of the puppet.

As for Yao Ziyan, she stood at the forefront, continuously releasing ice aura, and condensed three ice sculptures.

Judging from the positions of the three of them, Yao Ziyan is the most dangerous, while the ferocious beast is the safest.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the status of the three people is different.

Su Yi stood motionless on the spot, and didn't even make any defenses, as if he had given up resistance.

But it is not.

At this time, he had already cast [Mirror Mirror Clone], and after his main body became invisible, he quietly hid behind the three ominous beasts.

Its purpose is also very simple, so that the three fierce beasts want to help withstand the first wave of firepower.

It was for this reason that he didn't choose to deal with the beast before.

With a huff, the silver ripples whizzed over.

First, it hit the three ice sculptures in front of Yao Ziyan.

clack clack.
Accompanied by the sound of breaking, the three ice sculptures broke apart like paper.

Yao Ziyan, who was behind the three ice sculptures, did not choose to resist, but smashed a white bead in her hand.

With a bang, a piece of silver light shot out from the white bead, wrapped around Yao Ziyan and disappeared in place in an instant.

When it reappeared, it was already behind the beast.

Obviously, he used some kind of teleportation secret method to teleport to the back.

However, the location where she teleported overlapped with where Su Yi was standing.

Neither side knew this, and they inevitably collided.

"Damn it!" Su Yi was knocked out of the invisible state directly.

"Why are you here?" Yao Ziyan was also surprised.

It's just that neither of them had time to think about it, because the silver ripple had already cut the undead and the beast in half, and rushed towards them.

"Hiss!" Su Yi gasped.

He didn't expect that Silver Ripple broke through these multiple defenses one after another, and still had the strength to attack them.

Moreover, the power contained in it has only been slightly weakened, and it can definitely threaten his life.

Su Yi didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took out the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] to block in front of him.

This is also his strongest defense method.

On the other side, another ice sculpture condensed in front of Yao Ziyan.

This ice sculpture is significantly taller than the previous three, and a little girl can be faintly seen inside.

If you look carefully, you will find that this little girl is similar to Xiaojian.

It is the ice spirit derived from the third stage of the figurative object.

Just as Su Yi and Yao Ziyan prepared their defenses, silver ripples rushed towards them like a tsunami.

A click.

[Five Elements Eternal Shield] collided with it, persisted for three breaths, and was directly cut into pieces.

Su Yi didn't care about his heartache anymore, and folded his arms on his chest, shining bright light on them.

The silver ripples rushed over, tore apart Su Yi's aura of chaotic law, wreaked havoc on Su Yi's body, and finally blasted Su Yi out.

On the other side, the ice sculpture in front of Yao Ziyan was also torn apart, and she herself was also thrown into the air, hitting the wall heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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