Chapter 1549
The leader held back his breath and said: "Boy, no matter how good the treasure is, it would be futile to lose your life! You must think clearly about the serious relationship."

He has already given two treasure chests, making a huge concession.

If Su Yi still wants to make an inch, he can only shoot and break up.

Su Yi's face darkened, "If you say that, senior is planning to bully the small with the big and play the rogue with me?"

"I'm playing a rascal?" Long Tou's eyes stared sharply, and he said sharply, "Then tell me, why should I compensate you?"

Su Yi said seriously: "Before, senior attacked me indiscriminately twice and almost killed me. Shouldn't I be compensated?"

The dragon head snorted disdainfully, "This is my cave, you just broke in and wanted to snatch my treasures, so why can't I take action against you?"

"Senior may have misunderstood." Su Yi sighed and explained: "The reason why I came here was mainly because I learned that foreigners were coming here, and I was worried about accidents for seniors, so I came to help. After all, you and the Dragon Clan are also here. They are friends! When a friend is in trouble, he should draw his sword to help him!"

"." Yao Ziyan looked at Su Yi in a daze.

If I remember correctly, Su Yi was hunted down and entered here, why did he draw his sword to help again?
The corner of the leader's mouth opened slightly, and was a little confused for a while.

Did Su Yi come here to help?Not for the treasure?
is it possible?
Su Yi sighed, "For the sake of seniors, I can be said to be desperate! But I was attacked by seniors for no reason, and even slandered by seniors! It's really chilling."

Tap: "."

Have you started soul whipping?

Is it a bit of a fuss?

Su Yi struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "The reason why I asked for the treasure box was because I was worried about my senior's conscience, but it was actually for the sake of my senior. Otherwise, I thought that I would not be able to open my mouth because of the relationship with your dragon clan!"

The more the leader listened, the more confused he became.

Are you starting to think about me?

When you fucking asked for the treasure chest just now, did you ever think about me in that aggressive posture?

Su Yi knew that after saying this, the leader might not give him the treasure box, so he added: "Besides, asking for the treasure box is not for my own sake, but for the sake of the common people in the world, especially the human race and the dragon race."

Long Tou swallowed, "Tell me about it."

After a while, Su Yi began to think about the common people in the world?

He wanted to see what Su Yi could come up with?
Su Yi said in a deep voice: "Ominous beasts invaded once again, and all races fell. At present, the only ones who dare to fight against the ominous beasts are our human race and your dragon clan. But the ominous beasts are too powerful, and you and my two clans are completely different. If you can't resist, you can only perish except surrender!"

Hearing this, the leader fell silent and agreed with Su Yi's statement.

Although the dragon race is one of the most powerful races, compared with the fierce beasts, they are still a lot worse, and they will definitely not be the opponents of the fierce beasts.

But he didn't understand, what did Su Yi say had anything to do with asking for the treasure chest?
Eight poles can't fight together, can they?

Su Yi explained: "There is only one way to change this situation, and that is to become the strongest! Just like Su Chen ten thousand years ago, he has the strength to sweep away!"

Both Longtou and Yao Ziyan were stunned.

Su Yi meant that he wanted to become the strongest?
The leader regained his composure and asked, "Su Yi, do you have the ability to be promoted to the strong?"

(End of this chapter)

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