Chapter 1561
Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the tenth day, the day when the secret realm is closed.

Su Yi opened the world fragment and sent Yao Ziyan into it.

After being teleported out, there will inevitably be a fight, it is too dangerous for Yao Ziyan to stay outside.

And we can't let Yao Ziyan be exposed, otherwise the Dong people will be in danger.

Just as Su Yi was about to close the world fragments, Taixu Gulong hurriedly said, "Su Yi, wait a minute."

In the past few days, he looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally waited until Su Yi opened the world fragments.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi asked.

Taixu Gulong said with a smile: "I heard that you have a resurrection compass?"

"Yes!" Su Yi didn't hide it.

"Great!" Taixu Gulong said happily: "Su Yi, didn't you promise to help me recover? I have a better proposal."

"Tell me." Su Yi said lightly.

Taixu Gulong quickly said: "I left a ray of breath on the resurrection compass, and then committed suicide. Wouldn't it be possible to restore the full state after resurrection?"

"It makes sense!" Su Yi's eyes lit up.

It is indeed a good way to revive Taixu Gulong, to have a super strong man beside him, and to save a lot of life liquid.

However, Su Yi quickly thought of another question.

What if Taixu Gulong recovered his state and turned his back on him?
You must know that the relationship between them is only a cooperative relationship, and the relationship is very unstable, so you must be on guard.

Also, the resurrection of the soul needs to consume the spirit crystal of the divine grade.

The more powerful it is, the more spirit crystals it consumes.

He only has [-] god-level spirit crystals on him, and he plans to reserve them for the people in the rear base, so they can't be wasted easily.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Old Xu, what level were you before?"

Taixu Gulong proudly said: "Ninth level of the True Spirit Realm!"

"Hiss!" Su Yi gasped.

The Ninth Layer of the True Spirit Realm can be regarded as the top powerhouse in the world. Was Lao Xu so awesome before?
"Su Yi, can you help me?" Taixu Gulong asked eagerly.

Su Yi regained his composure and smiled slightly, "Old Xu, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that I have more energy than I can do! Using the resurrection compass to revive a life requires the consumption of divine grade spirit crystals. And the stronger the person, the more energy they will consume. More and more. At your level, you need to consume at least a hundred god-level spirit crystals, and I don't have that many at all."

In fact, he didn't know how much it would consume, he just didn't want to do it.


Taixu Gulong looked lonely and sighed deeply.

He didn't think Su Yi would lie, because during the resurrection process of the resurrection compass, it was indeed necessary to consume the god-level spirit crystal, and he was aware of this.

Su Yi comforted: "Old Xu, you don't have to be discouraged. When I return to Blue Star, I will ripen the tree of life and get the spiritual liquid of life to help you recover as soon as possible."

"Okay." Taixu Gulong lifted his spirits a little.

"Then you can rest at ease." Su Yi gave a warning, then closed the world fragments, and turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, how many god-grade spirit crystals are needed to revive Laoxu?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "To revive a top powerhouse like the Ninth Layer of the True Spirit Realm, at least fifty god-level spirit crystals are needed."

"So much?" Su Yi clicked his tongue and muttered to himself, "I didn't lie to Lao Xu by saying that."

(End of this chapter)

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