Chapter 1572
After the Black Sun Rift Rat left, Su Yi turned to Gu Wenxin and said, "Senior, put away the world fragments, and hand them over to Sect Master Sang in the future, let's save people now!"

There are tens of millions of people in the world fragments, and it takes a lot of mental energy to manage them. He is not willing to waste time on this.

"Are you really going?" Gu Wen was startled, and reminded: "Su Yi, there is not only one strong man at the tenth level of the psychic state, there are more than a dozen other levels of the psychic state."

For them, the best course of action at present is to hide in the rear base.Once he leaves, he will definitely become the target of foreigners, and he doesn't want to watch Su Yi go to die.

Su Yi comforted: "Senior, don't worry, the tenth level of the supernatural power is nothing in my eyes, and it can be destroyed with one hand!"

Hearing this, Gu Wenxin's mouth suddenly opened wide, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Senior, let's hurry up." Su Yi greeted and stepped onto the [Smart Chariot] first. ,

Gu Wen gritted his teeth and followed Su Yi closely.

After the two got into the car, the [Smart Chariot] turned on at full speed, flying straight towards Yuanzhou City like a thunderbolt.

On the way, Gu Wenxin tentatively asked: "Su Yi, have you been promoted?"

Based on his understanding of Su Yi, Su Yi is not a person who speaks wild words.

Since he dared to go to Yuanzhou City to save people, he must have something to rely on, and he might be promoted to a higher level.

Was it promoted to the fifth level or the sixth level of the Divine Ability Realm?
If it is the sixth level of the divine realm, with Su Yi's strong combat power, he can indeed compete with the tenth level of the divine realm.

"I've already been promoted to the tenth level of the Divine Ability Realm." Su Yi said calmly.

"What?" Gu Wenxin was shocked on the spot.

Has Su Yi been promoted to the tenth level of the Divine Ability Realm?Do you want to be so exaggerated?

You must know that Su Yi was only at the fourth level of the divine realm more than ten days ago.

In such a short period of time, he has been promoted to the tenth level of the supernatural realm?What kind of monster is this?
When Gu Wen's heart came to his senses, he was suddenly ecstatic!

Among the same rank, Su Yi was basically invincible.

Doesn't this mean that Su Yi has become the master of Blue Star, any beasts and aliens, as long as they dare to come, they can be killed!

Thinking of this, Gu Wen became excited, "Su Yi, you are too powerful! With you here, Blue Star will never be in danger again!"

Su Yi smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I'm not that optimistic. There are countless powerful beasts and aliens in the psychic realm. If they all flood into Blue Star, I can't fight them. In addition, the beasts have already found a way , can send over the first level of the True Spirit Realm, which is even more disadvantageous for us."

It turned out that he and Gu Wenxin had the same idea, as long as he was invincible, all problems would be easily solved.

But after communicating with [Smart Chariot], I clearly realized the seriousness of the situation.

"It's really not optimistic!" Gu Wenxin's face became serious.

As Su Yi said, if you face thousands or even tens of thousands of powerhouses at the same time.

Even if the individual's combat power is strong, it will not be able to bear it.

What's more, the other party will send True Spirit Realm to enter, so the threat will be even greater.

Su Yi glanced at Gu Wenxin, and said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry too much. Didn't I build a rear base? You can't use spiritual energy there, and it will greatly weaken the strength of fierce beasts and aliens. As long as We stick to the rear base, and we can still compete with each other."

(End of this chapter)

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