Chapter 1582 You are useless
Ling Nianyao explained: "Didn't I be promoted? Another room was opened in Moonlight City, and there was news about the ancestors of Yueling in it. It is said that before Senior Su Chen left, he built a ground on Qianyu Island." Cave, and left Chaos Liquid and other treasures in it."

Hearing this, Su Yi became thoughtful.

Ling Nianyao's statement is similar to Yao Ziyan's, which proves that the crypt really exists, and it was indeed built by Su Chen.

"Where is the chaotic liquid stored in the crypt?" Su Yi asked.

The chaotic spiritual liquid is related to the promotion of cultivation, so you must get it.

It's just that the Catacomb World is very large, so if you don't have an exact location, you may not be able to find it.

"I don't know either." Ling Nianyao shook her head and said, "The news left by the ancestor Yue Ling did not mention the exact location."

"It's a bit troublesome." Su Yi sighed lightly, and turned to Ling Nianyao and said, "This news is very important to me. You have performed well this time, and you have finally done something!"

Ling Nianyao: "."

It's fine if you don't thank me. Is it necessary to take the opportunity to sarcasm?
I'm so unpopular in your eyes?

"You go back first, I will slowly figure out a way to promote the level." Su Yi said.

After Ling Nianyao took Xing Zhao Zi Ling Guo and Extraction Pill, her cultivation base was promoted to the seventh level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

But with her talent, it is too difficult to advance to the realm of the gods.

You can't get Thor Gatling if you don't advance to the level of gods.

So we still have to find a way.

"Then I won't bother you." Ling Nianyao turned and left.

After Ling Nianyao left, Su Yi lay down on the bed and began to meditate.

Originally, he planned to wait for the rear base to settle down completely before going to the cave to save Hu Xiuyuan.

But after hearing the news of the Chaos Spiritual Liquid, the plan needs to be advanced.

Of course, you have to wait for Wukong and Nannan to upgrade their levels before taking action.

Without the two of them guarding the rear base, he would not dare to leave easily.

"Looks like we'll have to wait a few more days." Su Yi muttered, and then opened the world fragments to connect with Yuan Zimo.

"Su Yi, what are your orders?" Yuan Zimo asked.

Su Yi said straightly: "Momo, the work of making arrows and trebuchets is suspended, and I will help make a batch of weapons first, and make more of various types."

Building weapons is mainly for use by people in the rear base.

"Understood! I will build it in the fastest time." Yuan Zimo promised.

Su Yi nodded slightly, then closed the world fragments and began to rest.

The next day, Cao Qinglang and others gathered in front of the stone house again.

After taking the Yunling Pill and the support of the Life Qi from the Tree of Life, they all recovered at this moment.

Su Yi then took out a juvenile titan and continued to let Cao Qinglang and others practice.

The battle started again, and it was still very fierce.

Su Yi was the same as yesterday, watching while eating fruit.

Suddenly, a mocking voice came from not far away.

"So many people can't beat a baby titan, you are too useless!"

Su Yi took advantage of the trend, and in his sight, Wukong was striding forward with pride.

"Wukong, why are you pretending?" Cao Qinglang snorted coldly.

"Pretentious?" Wukong twitched his lips, and said disdainfully: "Pretentiousness depends on strength! You have half my strength and you can pretend to be aggressive. The key is that you can't do it! If you have a chance to pretend to be aggressive, you won't succeed. Use it!"

(End of this chapter)

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