Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1585 Secret Realm Crisis

Chapter 1585 Secret Realm Crisis
Su Yi said with a smile: "This time we won't go to death, let's go to the secret place of Senior Six."

It has been a long time since I saw the strong man in the iron tower and others, and I still miss them in my heart, so I wanted to find them to catch up.

In addition, there is a boundary passage leading to Qianyu Island in the secret realm. It is relatively safer to enter Qianyu Island through the boundary passage.

The reason why I didn't say it clearly is because I don't want to see [Smart Chariot] lose its temper.

"So go to the secret realm!" [Smart Chariot] let out a long sigh of relief, without doubting Su Yi's words at all.

Because last time Su Yi planned to go to the secret realm.

It's just because there are too few top-grade spirit crystals, so I gave up.

"Go early and come back early, let's start now." Su Yi reminded.

There is a boundary point connected to the secret realm in the forbidden area of ​​death, and the [smart chariot] transforms into a flying form and rushes into the boundary point, disappearing instantly.

After a few breaths, he successfully reached the secret realm.

Su Yi swept out, only to see that he had just shuttled into the valley from last time.

However, at this time the valley was empty, and not even a single person could be seen.

"Where are people?" Su Yi was surprised.

It stands to reason that the movement caused by the [Smart Chariot] shuttling over will definitely not be small. Why don't the strong man in the iron tower and others come to take a look?
[Smart Chariot] After investigating for a while, he suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, it's not good, a fierce beast and two undead people have entered the secret realm! They are besieging the old bark man and little loli."

"What!" Su Yi's complexion changed, and he hurriedly urged, "Number 2, hurry over."

He was a little worried, since ferocious beasts and undead people entered the secret realm, and the strong man in the iron tower and others disappeared, would something unexpected happen?

【Smart Chariot】Turn on at full speed and shoot straight in one direction.

On the way, Su Yi asked anxiously: "No. 2, how long will it take to arrive?"

"About 3 minutes." [Smart Chariot] replied, and then comforted: "Su Yi, you don't have to worry too much. The little loli and the bark old man were trapped in a stone cave, and the entrance of the cave was arranged Once we have formed a formation, it will not be a problem to resist for a while, we have enough time."

Su Yi let out a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Number 2, transfer the screen over."

"Okay." [Smart Chariot] said immediately.

Su Yi fixed his eyes on the central control screen, only to see that at the foot of a mountain peak, a fierce beast and two undead people were madly attacking a stone cave.

In the cave, the bark old man was lying on the ground, bloody all over, already in a coma, obviously seriously injured.

Little Loli stood on the edge of the cave with a pale face, constantly adding spirit crystals to the formation.

"Looking for death!" Su Yi suddenly felt a strong murderous aura.

He has already regarded the old man bark and others as his friends, whoever dares to hurt his friends must die!
[Smart Chariot] Can't help but shudder, and faintly increase the speed by a point.

In less than 3 minutes, it flew to the front of the mountain.


The moment the hatch door opened, Su Yi rushed out.

"Human! Why did you appear here?" The beast and the two undead people were all shocked when they saw Su Yi.

"Su Yi?" Little Lolita opened her mouth wide, also showing surprise.

However, she reacted quickly and yelled at Su Yi loudly, "Su Yi, run quickly! The opponents are three powerhouses at the tenth level of the psychic realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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