Chapter 1602
Hearing this, all the people from Iron Fist Sect were stunned.

This young man who was less than 20 years old in front of him threatened to kill them?

Is your head squeezed by the door?
Qiu Zhiming took another look at Su Yi, laughed maniacally and said, "Boy, what the hell did you jump out of? Do you know who to talk to again?"

"Boss, this kid must be out of his mind." The other Iron Fist disciples followed suit.

In the Catacombs, the Iron Fist Gate was the second most powerful force, and a mere young man uttered nonsense in front of them, clearly seeking death.

"I'm talking to a dead man." Su Yi snorted coldly and moved his feet.

There was a bang, and the ground crumbled.

Su Yi rushed out and appeared in front of Qiu Zhiming like a ghost.

"You..." Qiu Zhiming's pupils suddenly dilated, and before he could react, his neck was already pinched by a big hand.

"Remember, the person who killed you is called Su Yi." With a cold expression on his face, Su Yi grabbed Qiu Zhiming's neck and exerted all his strength.

A click.

Qiu Zhiming's head dropped and he died on the spot.

The surroundings suddenly fell into a suffocating silence.


Seeing this, all the disciples of the Iron Fist sect stared wide-eyed, with horror and disbelief in their eyes.

Qiu Zhiming, the No. [-] powerhouse in the Catacombs, was crushed to death like an ant?
is this real?

Although I don't want to admit it, the truth is in front of me.

Qiu Zhiming was indeed killed casually by the young man in front of him, very simply!
So how strong is this young man in front of him?
Maybe even Long Aotian can't compare, it's too scary!

For a moment, all the Iron Fist disciples became panicked.

"Su Yi is already this powerful?" Yan Zhiyong was dumbfounded.

To kill a powerhouse like Qiu Zhiming, even Long Aotian, the number one powerhouse in the Catacombs, might not be able to do it.

On the other hand, Su Yi, understatement, strangled to death!
The strength is so strong that it definitely far surpasses Long Aotian.

"Junior Brother Su is awesome!" After the three of Wu Yuxing regained their composure, they cheered excitedly.

With a strong man like Su Yi in the Qingyun Sword Sect, who would dare to bully them in the future?

"This guy is really terrifying!" Lian Tongguang clicked his tongue fiercely.

Before, he guessed that Su Yi's strength was higher than that of Qiu Zhiming, so he chose to side with Su Yi.

Now it seems that his decision is so wise.

Su Yi threw away Qiu Zhiming's body with a flick of his hand, and then swept his gaze towards the group of Iron Fist disciples.

Due to the gaze, no matter who it was, they all trembled, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"A bunch of trash! Leaving you is a disaster!" Su Yi snorted coldly with a sullen face.

"Senior, save our lives! We are willing to surrender to you!" Realizing that Su Yi was about to kill, the Iron Fist disciples begged for mercy.

"You guys still have the face to beg for mercy?" Su Yi said sternly with a frosty face, "When you were killing your compatriots, did you ever think about giving them a chance to live? A bunch of rubbish, all go to death!"

Muran, Su Yi raised his hand and hit [Storm Hammer].

Suddenly, there was a shrill scream from all around.

Except for Lian Tongguang, all the disciples of the Iron Fist sect present were pulverized by the huge hammer shadow.

Seeing this scene, Lian Tongguang trembled all over and peed again.
At this moment, Su Yi beckoned to Lian Tongguang, "Little pee, come here."

"Little pee?" Lian Tongguang was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that Su Yi was clearly calling him.

Although he didn't like this title very much, he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction, so he trotted to Su Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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