Chapter 1606 Taken Away
In addition, Su Yi also found a familiar figure, the old man with a small head in the secret realm.

As for the strong man in the iron tower and others, they are not here.

Su Yi was also very excited to see these two people, and walked forward quickly.

But before he took a few steps, he was stopped by a middle-aged guard nearby, "Boy, which mine do you work in? Who the hell told you to run around?"

Su Yi ignored it at all and continued walking forward.

"Looking for death!" The middle-aged guard's expression changed ferociously, and he slashed at Su Yi with a long knife in his hand.

Su Yi's ignorance completely enraged him. This knife was so powerful that it seemed to split Su Yi in half.

Su Yi waved his hand casually.


The middle-aged guard flew out with a knife and shot more than ten meters away.

The loud noise immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

He was horrified when he saw a young man knocking a guard into the air.

Beating the guards on Lizong's territory is a felony.

The young man in front of him is too courageous, so he is not afraid of revenge.

The small-headed old man not far away looked back, his expression suddenly moved, he touched the fat man next to him, and said in a trembling voice: "Old man, do you think this person is Su Yi?"

"Su Yi?" The obese man frowned, and quickly swept away. When he saw Su Yi's appearance clearly, he immediately became excited, "It's really Su Yi!"

There was silence for a while, and suddenly more than a dozen guards rushed over and surrounded Su Yi.

A burly man with a sinister face at the head stared at Su Yi, and said coldly: "Boy, you dare to make trouble here, are you tired of working?"

Su Yi didn't bother to say much, and threw out more than a dozen punches like lightning and flint.

Bang bang bang.
Amidst the violent noise, the heads of all the guards around were shattered.

"Damn it! He's too strong!"

"What the hell is going on with this guy?"

Surprised by the audience, they all speculated about Su Yi's identity.

The fat man and the small-headed old man were relatively calm, because they knew Su Yi's strength.

At that time in the maze compass, Su Yi could even kill Megatron, and it was not difficult to kill a few guards.

"Seniors! I finally found you!" Su Yi quickly walked towards the fat man.

"Su Yi, why are you here?" the fat man asked strangely.

"I'll explain to you slowly later." Su Yi smiled, and then asked, "Where are the sixth seniors?"

The small-headed old man hurriedly said: "When we fled into the crypt, we were besieged by crypt warriors. After a fight, the third child and I were caught here, and the sixth child and the others should have been captured by other forces. "

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

The three strong men in the iron tower were not in the second and third areas, and most of them were caught in the first area.

Anyway, I plan to eradicate the Longyin Gate in Area [-], and it won't be too late to look for it.

Right now, the focus is still on looking for Fatty Hu.

"Senior, you haven't seen a young man who is slightly thinner than you. His name is Hu Xiuyuan." Su Yi turned to the fat man and asked.

Although Hu Xiuyuan is also very fat, but compared with obese men, he is indeed a size smaller.

The fat man immediately said: "A few days ago, a little fat man was sent here, but this morning, he was taken away by Fu Chunmei, the granddaughter of Sect Master Li."

(End of this chapter)

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