Chapter 162 Brave Shock
"Come with me!"

Su Yi immediately lifted his spirits and ran towards the building.

Lu Cheng and He Yue followed closely behind.

When the three of them came to the back of the building, they saw a dozen tall and strong giant bears covered with a layer of rocks, besieging and killing a group of mercenaries.

This mercenary group has only five people, four men and one woman.

But three men have already fallen to the ground, their breath is very weak, and they have completely lost their fighting power.

As for the remaining one man and one woman, they are all extremely strong, at least they all have cultivation bases above the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

However, under the joint attack of this group of giant bears, danger abounded, and it was about to fail.

"This is a group of wild rock bears! Su Yi, let's run away!"

At this time, Lu Cheng was almost dumbfounded.

Adult barbaric rock bears have the fifth level of Body Tempering Realm, and they are extremely sturdy.

The combination of a dozen or so is enough to cause fatal damage to a martial artist at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm.

And, it's not the scariest thing yet.

The frightening thing is that the wild rock bear is a mutated beast, with mutations in its body, it can condense a layer of rocks outside its body to increase its defense.

With this layer of defense, even a martial artist at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm cannot easily break through the defense, nor can he be killed.

Although Lu Cheng also wanted to save people, but his strength was insufficient, and he had more energy than energy.

"It's brothers and sisters Pei Lin and Pei Li from the Xingyue Mercenary Corps. They are all warriors above the sixth level of Body Tempering Realm! Su Yi, don't be impulsive!" He Yue persuaded.

The implication is that even Pei Lin brothers and sisters are suppressed and have no power to fight back. If Su Yi passes by rashly, he may fall into a situation of eternal doom.

"Don't worry, you can just wait here!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, and rushed over with [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword].

"Su Yi."

Lu Cheng's expressions changed drastically.

"Brother, there are warriors here to help us!"

Pei Li found out suddenly that a man with a fire stick was rushing towards him, and she immediately gave a joyful reminder.

"Someone came to help?"

Pei Lin's expression froze, and he quickly looked at Su Yi.

When it was clear that Su Yi was wearing a school uniform, he shouted anxiously, "Don't come here to die!"

He was very moved that Su Yi could help out in this crisis.

But Su Yi is only a student after all, and his strength is limited after all.

Not only can't help them, but they will be beheaded by the wild rock bear even if they meet each other.

Of course he didn't want to see Su Yi die tragically before his eyes.

"Why did he come here to die?"

Pei Li also discovered that Su Yi was just a student, and the glimmer of hope that had been kindled was completely extinguished.

Su Yi turned a deaf ear and continued to charge forward bravely.


One of the wild rock bears beat its feet and chest, roared, raised its palm the size of a cattail fan, and threw it at Su Yi in the air.

The sharp whistle quickly enveloped Su Yi.

Not to be outdone, Su Yi clenched his fists and charged forward.

The reason why he didn't use the [Obsidian Meteor Sword] was because it was the first time he came into contact with the wild rock bear.

Of course, you have to extract the ability first.

Furthermore, his current strength value has reached 1600 kg, which is not a savage rock bear at all.

"It's over!"

Seeing that Su Yi chose to be with Wild Rock Bear Hard Steel, the brothers and sister Pei Lin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Why is Su Yi so stupid?"

Lu Cheng and Lu Cheng were extremely worried and did not understand.

Su Yi clearly has a sword embryo that is comparable to a magic weapon, why would he go head-to-head in such a foolish way?
(End of this chapter)

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