Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1621 Looking for the Ominous Spirit Formation

Chapter 1621 Looking for the Ominous Spirit Formation
The middle-aged scholar and the coquettish woman were shocked on the spot.

Su Yi has a strength of 30 kilograms?Is it so scary?
"Su Yi, when did you become so fierce?" The middle-aged scholar came to his senses and asked in surprise.

Su Yi said calmly: "I've always been fierce."

Middle-aged scholar: "."

You are great, but can you keep a low profile?
Su Yi didn't explain too much, but asked instead: "Senior Fourth, where is the exit from here?"

This is the end of the trip to the catacombs. The next step is to destroy the evil spirit array, or we must act as soon as possible.

"There is a passage not far ahead, and you can leave through the passage." The middle-aged scholar said, pointing in one direction.

"Senior Fourth, I will send you to a safe place first." After Su Yi finished speaking, he collected the middle-aged scholar and the coquettish woman into the world fragments, and then took out the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, you are too much! Do you still consider me a brother?" [Smart Chariot] yelled.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi was at a loss.

[Smart Chariot] snorted softly: "What did Xiaohuo tell you just now? Why did you avoid me?"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "It's all adults' business, what are you doing asking so much?"

The system is too involved, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.Even if it was [Smart Chariot], he didn't want to tell.

"Damn!" [Smart Chariot] was indignant.

Su Yi ignored it, turned around and flew towards the entrance of the passage.

There is a long corridor in the entrance of the cave. After walking out, it is still the same magma lake as before.

Su Yi returned along the original path, when he returned to the cave outside.

However, there are still a large number of aliens gathered in the cave.

Su Yi snorted softly, and a ruthless look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What followed was a one-sided massacre.

Ten minutes later, a thick layer of alien corpses was piled up in the cave, and a strong bloody smell wafted in the air.

After this battle, the foreigners seemed to be scared out of their wits, and no one dared to enter again.

Su Yi didn't wait long either, he searched for an exit and left quickly.

When reaching the exit connecting the burrow and the plain, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, there are tens of thousands of aliens gathered outside."

Su Yi asked, "Is there a true spirit realm?"

The only thing that can stop him is the True Spirit Realm. If there is no True Spirit Realm, just kill him.

[Smart Chariot] replied immediately: "There is a night demon clansman who is at the second level of the true spirit realm."

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then began to dig.

With his strength, he is not at the second level of the True Spirit Realm.

But it still takes some time to kill or repel the opponent.It would be dangerous if other true spirit realm experts were attracted.

Simply dig a tunnel to avoid this night demon clansman in the true spirit realm.

In less than half an hour, Su Yi dug more than ten kilometers away in one direction.

After investigation by [Smart Chariot], there is no trace of aliens in the location.

Su Yi broke through the ground and flew towards the southeast direction. The location of the fierce spirit array was in this direction.

Two hours later, a mountain range appeared in front of us, with no end in sight.

Su Yifei shot to the top of a mountain, glanced into the distance, then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, can you detect the exact location of the fierce spirit formation?"

"In a valley [-] kilometers away from here." [Smart Chariot] replied, and then asked: "Su Yi, are you really going to destroy the evil spirit formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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