Chapter 1624 Watermelon Gunner
"It's so spicy!" The Elf Holy Tree took a sip and suddenly screamed.

At this moment, he felt like his esophagus was burning.

Su Yi reminded: "Little bald head, if you can't drink it, don't drink it."

His purpose was to verify the type of the fruit. Now that he knew it was a baijiu fruit, there was no need to make the holy tree of the elves suffer.

After all, someone who can't even control beer, let alone liquor.

"No! A real man never backs down!" The Elven Sacred Tree insisted very much.

Su Yi clicked his tongue as he watched.

The baijiu in the fruit weighs at least one or two catties, and it's boring right away?
The donkeys in the production team didn't dare to drink like that!

"Is the little bald head going to be okay?" Su Yi quietly glanced at the holy tree of the elves.

But seeing the elf holy tree's face was flushed, and his body was swaying, which was obviously a sign of drunkenness.

Just when Su Yi wanted to let the Holy Tree of the Elf Race take a rest, he saw the Holy Tree of the Elf Race staggering up to the Wood Spirit Zhenjing and confessed, "Dian Dian, I really like you! Give me a chance!"

After the words fell, like a mad lion, it rushed towards the wood spirit Zhenjing.


Wood Spirit Zhenjing was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she backed away repeatedly.

"Grass!" Su Yi cursed, and punched the holy tree of the elves unconscious.

The wine is strong and cowardly!
The holy tree of the elves is going to use violence against the real crystal of the wood spirit!
He wouldn't just watch the holy tree of the elves embark on the path of crime!

"Su Yi, what's going on? Why did the holy tree of the elves suddenly go crazy?" Wood Spirit Zhenjing said with lingering fear.

Su Yi comforted: "Don't worry, he's drunk, he'll be fine after a night of sleep."

"That's good." Wood Spirit Zhenjing let out a long sigh of relief.

Su Yi then pulled out the baijiu plant.

If he continued to stay, maybe the holy tree of the elves would drink secretly, and he would go crazy with alcohol again, and he couldn't keep watching.

Later, Su Yi continued to study the seeds.

There is still a kind of crimson seed left, and its number is the largest, reaching fifty.

When a crimson seed was ripened, what grew out was a very peculiar vegetation.

There are two watermelon leaves on the one-meter-high green rhizome, and behind the rhizome, there is a long green stick.

At the end of this stick, there is a disc with a giant watermelon in it.

Su Yizai took a closer look and found that the vegetation looked like a trebuchet.

At this moment, he is very sure that this vegetation is definitely not a fruit plant, nor is it a drink-shaped plant.

As for what.
Su Yi thought about it, it should be the watermelon gunner in [Plants vs. Zombies]!
Muran, a delicate voice reached Su Yi's ears, "Watermelon Gunner, serve the master!"

"Sure enough!" Su Yi's expression changed, he looked at the watermelon gunner again, and asked, "Little watermelon, how is your attack power?"

The watermelon gunner replied: "The attack power is stronger than the strawberry shooter, but my attack range is farther, and the fire coverage reaches 1000 meters."

"Not bad!" There was a smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he asked, "What's your cooldown time?"

This is still very important, if the cooling time is too long, it is still useless.

"10 minutes!" the watermelon gunner said straight away.

"Nice!" Su Yi was excited.

A 10 minute cooldown is perfectly acceptable.

Given that the watermelon gunner's attack is range-based, Su Yi even felt that the watermelon gunner's role would not be much worse than that of the Gatling pea shooter.

(End of this chapter)

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