Chapter 1631 Destroyed
Su Yi quickly rushed to Gu Zhuyue and the others, cut off the shackles on them, and sent them one by one into the world fragments.

As for the others, they are all lackeys of the beast, and they deserve to die!
After saving the three people, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his gaze to the bloody ball.

Through previous observations, he guessed that the blood-colored ball was the core of the fierce spirit formation, as long as the blood-colored ball was destroyed, the fierce spirit formation would no longer exist.

Just when Su Yi was about to make a move, there was a flash of blood on the blood-colored ball, and suddenly a monster's face appeared, and a cold color flickered in those blood-red eyes.

Su Yi was caught by the other party's gaze, and a strong palpitation suddenly surged in his heart.

Muran, the monster said coldly: "Human, I advise you not to do stupid things! If you dare to destroy the evil spirit formation, no matter where you hide in the ends of the earth, I will arrest you and torture you to death!"

"Threat me?" Su Yi regained his composure, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

As a God Seed owner, the ultimate goal is to be promoted to the strong.

Like Su Chen, become an invincible existence.

During this period, no one can stop his footsteps.

Seeing Su Yi's unmoved look, the monster's eyes gradually narrowed, and his voice became cold, "Don't you believe that I can kill you?"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, he raised a middle finger, and snorted coldly: "No matter what you are, but remember one thing, don't pretend to be aggressive in front of me! Don't even threaten me! Otherwise, sooner or later, I will crush you to powder under my feet!"

"Boy, you're finished! Spend the days to come in fear." The monster growled, gnashing its teeth.

"I'm waiting for you!" Su Yi snorted coldly, moved his foot, rushed to the bloody ball in an instant, and swung his sword to chop it down.

A click.

The bloody ball was split in half.

"You will definitely regret it!" The monster left a cruel sentence, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Su Yi ignored it, and then dropped dozens of thunderballs in the valley.

In the midst of roars, the entire valley was finally turned into ruins.

After finishing all this, Su Yi opened the world fragments and took out the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, are you okay?" [Smart Chariot] said with concern.

During this period, he was always on tenterhooks, fearing that something might happen to Su Yi.

Fortunately, Su Yi survived in the end.

"I almost died." Su Yi sighed with lingering fear, and then ordered: "No. 2, it is not suitable to stay for a long time at this time, check to see if there is a boundary point connecting to Blue Star."

The fierce spirit formation was destroyed, and the fierce beasts would definitely not sit idly by.

It's very dangerous if you don't come early.

"There is no boundary point connecting to Blue Star nearby." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and said, "If you say that, you need to return to the secret realm."

Before, he killed more than a dozen undead people outside the boundary passage of the secret realm, which would definitely arouse the opponent's idea.

Maybe a master has been sent to set up an ambush there.

But right now there is no better choice. If you don't enter the secret realm, you won't be able to return to Blue Star in a short time.

It will be even more dangerous to stay on Qianyu Island.

[Smart Chariot] said: "Let's go back and check the situation first. If there is no danger, go directly to the secret realm. Otherwise, look for other boundaries."

(End of this chapter)

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