Chapter 1634 Skeletons
"Su Yi?" The ferocious old man pondered, and said, "Is it Su Yi who is regarded as Su Chen's successor?"

"Yes." The beast next to him affirmed.

"He has grown to such a degree?" The ferocious beast old man was shocked, his face covered with a solemn and gloomy look.

Su Yi's growth rate was terrifying, not much worse than Su Chen back then.

If Su Yi continues to grow, maybe he will repeat the same mistakes tens of thousands of years ago.

This is something he absolutely does not want to see.

Muran, the ferocious beast old man issued an order, "Convey it, rebuild the ferocious spirit formation as soon as possible, this time there must be no mistakes. In addition, quickly gather the aliens and launch a full-scale attack on Su Yi's Blue Star stronghold in five days. At all costs The price must be to completely eradicate Su Yi!"

On the other side, [Smart Chariot] shuttled out of the boundary point and entered a gloomy world.

The surrounding area was bare, and there was a layer of gray mist floating in the air, which looked lifeless.

Su Yi glanced outside, and asked with a frown: "No. 2, what is this place?"

[Smart Chariot] replied: "I don't know either. In order to avoid the pursuit of that beast of the seventh level of the True Spirit Realm, I was forced to shuttle into here."

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Is there a boundary point to return to Blue Star nearby?"

His current state is too bad, if there are real spirit realm experts here, it will be dangerous.

"This is a confined space, a bit similar to the realm of the real spirit realm powerhouse, and I can't find the boundary point for the time being." [Smart Chariot] replied.

"Yu?" Su Yi frowned.

If it is a domain, maybe a spiritual thing will be derived.

Then, their situation is still relatively dangerous.

At this moment, the sound of rustling footsteps suddenly sounded all around.

As time went on, the footsteps became more and more dense.

Su Yi's face became serious, and he squinted his eyes to sweep out, and soon a large number of skeletons appeared in his sight.

There are many types of skeletons, including monsters and aliens.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, these skeletons are summoned creatures of the undead!"

"Undead?" Su Yi muttered, then asked, "If you say that, there must be an undead here?"

"Almost." [Smart Chariot] responded.

Su Yi said again, "No. 2, how strong are these skeletons?"

"The strength of the skeleton is linked to the strength of the summoner. The higher the cultivation level of the summoner, the strength of the skeleton will also increase accordingly. The skeletons in front of me are very ordinary skeletons, and the most powerful is the Illusory Spirit Realm." [Smart Chariot ] explained.

"Then there's nothing to worry about." Su Yi took a long breath.

Even if they were severely injured, they would have no problem dealing with some Illusory Spirit Realm skeletons.

Furthermore, there are still many strong people among the world fragments.

Summoning them all is enough to crush these skeletons.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, you can't be too careless. These skeletons in front of you may just be used by the other party as a test, and there may be more powerful ones in the future."

"That's right." Su Yi nodded slightly.

But at this moment, those skeletons seemed to have received an order, and rushed towards the [smart chariot] crazily.

Due to the large number, it looks like a white sea wave, surging and surging.

(End of this chapter)

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