Chapter 1637

At this moment, the battle outside is still in full swing.

The seven old bark men teamed up, and the skeletons killed were routed.

In less than half an hour, the skeletons and bones piled up all around were almost piled up into a mountain.

But Su Yi found a problem. These skeletons seemed to be endless. No matter how good they were, they would be added later.

He has encountered this situation more than once.

The rock spirits made by small stones and the beast spirits made by 2B are endless.

Therefore, he suspected that the undead people here also had this ability.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, grabbed a skeleton and interrogated him.

The final result was slightly different from what he had guessed.

There is indeed an undead clansman here, and he also has the ability to continuously create skeletons.

However, this undead tribe attacked them only after being coerced.

As for what kind of existence is intimidating the undead people, this skeleton is not clear.

"Su Yi, there is no way to keep killing like this. Capture the thief first and capture the king. Why don't we go find that undead tribe." [Smart Chariot] suggested.

"Take a day off first, and wait until I recover." Su Yi said lightly.

He had thought of this method a long time ago, but because of the serious injury, his strength was greatly reduced.

If you go there rashly, you may suffer a loss.

For the sake of safety, I still plan to restore the state.

Later, he opened the World Fragment and summoned the Four King Kongs and Yao Ziyan.

The seven old men will definitely not be able to hold on for a day with only the bark, and they need to find helpers.

The strength of the guardian rock spirit is equivalent to that of the sixth level of the power of the gods, which is enough to crush the skeleton.

As for Yao Ziyan, she is an eighth-level martial artist in the realm of the gods, and after re-condensing the figurative objects, her strength has fully recovered.

"Yao Ziyan, you and the Four King Kong go out for a while." Su Yi ordered.

"Understood." Yao Ziyan and the guardian rock spirit rushed out.

Su Yi then yelled at the bark old man: "Senior, retreat back and take a rest."

The bark old man led the people back to the car.

The strong man in the iron tower yelled: "I'm damn! What the hell is this? Why can't I finish killing it?"

The middle-aged scholar then said: "So far, we have killed tens of thousands of skeletons, but the number of the other party shows no sign of decreasing. This is too weird."

Su Yi explained with a smile: "These skeletons are the summoning objects of a strong undead clan. He has the ability to greet infinitely, and he really can't kill them all."

"Ah?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

If this is the case, aren't they going to be consumed to death?

The bark old man took a look at Su Yi. Seeing Su Yi's relaxed expression, he asked thoughtfully, "Su Yi, do you have a solution?"

Su Yi nodded and said, "I already know the exact location of that undead man. When I recover, I can just kill him in the past."

"My goddammit! It turns out that you had a plan long ago, which made me worry for nothing." The strong man in the iron tower muttered.

Su Yi smiled faintly, "Although we have a plan, we still need to stick to it for another day. Moreover, I reckon that the opponent will definitely summon more powerful skeletons behind, so the situation is still very serious."

The strong man in the iron tower said disdainfully: "What's so scary about some small skeletons? I alone can crush them."

"You're starting to pretend again!" The bark old man and the others showed contempt in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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