Chapter 1646 Fierce Fight

Before the skeleton could even react, it suffered a heavy blow to its body.

Only a loud bang was heard.

The skeleton's body disintegrated instantly, and was blasted into countless fragments, flying all over the sky.

"Kill him!" Song Zhenying was furious, and gave orders to the remaining nine skeletons.

The nine skeletons raised their bone knives at the same time, and slashed at Su Yi together.

Su Yi was fearless, and raised his hand to smash out a [Storm Hammer].

The huge hammer shadow swept over, completely covering the nine skeletons.

Accompanied by the sound of shattering, the three skeletons that rushed over were torn to pieces, and the remaining six skeletons were severely injured and fell to the ground.

Although he did not die, he also lost his combat effectiveness.

Su Yi stepped forward and crushed the heads of the six skeletons one by one.


Seeing this scene, Song Zhenying and Qi Ling gasped at the same time.

These ten skeletons have all reached the level of the tenth level of the divine realm, and their defense is extremely strong. The overall strength is stronger than the average tenth level of the divine realm.

But under Su Yi's hands, he was not an all-in-one enemy.

This shows how powerful Su Yi should be.

After killing ten skeletons, Su Yi turned his head slightly, looked at Song Zhenying and Qi Ling, and smiled contemptuously, "That's all you guys are capable of?"

"Use the ultimate move, don't let him continue to be arrogant!" Qi Ling said through gritted teeth.

Even if Su Yi is strong, after all, he is only in the realm of the gods.

The combined strength of him and Song Zhenying is far beyond the first stage of the True Spirit Realm. Still don't believe that there is no way for him to reach the Divine Realm?
"Boy, I'll let you see our true strength!" Song Zhenying grinned, and pointed his hand in the air.


Amidst a hum, the sky suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately, a hundred white light spots lit up.

The light spot gradually became larger, and finally turned into a hundred giant bone spurs about ten feet long. Silver light flowed from each bone spur, exuding terrifying spatial fluctuations.

"Boy, die!" Song Zhenying laughed wildly.

A hundred bone spurs trembled slightly, and they all rushed towards Su Yi.Its speed is as fast as lightning.

For a time, the sky was full of piercing sounds.

"Small tricks!" Su Yi snorted softly, and just as the bone spur hit, his figure blurred and disappeared instantly.

next moment.

A hundred bone spurs fell one after another, piercing through Su Yi's afterimage, and piercing deep into the ground.

Suddenly, the earth collapsed and roared endlessly.

"Should be dead now?" Song Zhenying laughed wantonly.

"No, that's his afterimage!" Qi Ling was keenly aware of this and screamed.

"Remnant image?" Song Zhenying's expression turned serious, and he quickly glanced around.

"Don't look for it, I'm here." Suddenly, a sneer floated from behind them.

Realizing that it was Su Yi who spoke, Song Zhenying and Qi Ling were startled and turned around quickly.

But at this moment, Su Yi stepped on his feet, and charged towards him like a raging wild beast.

"Stop him quickly!" Song Zhenying roared.

From Su Yi's previous attack, it is not difficult to see that he is definitely a powerful force repairer. Once they are approached, they will all be finished.

Qi Ling was also aware of this, a silver light suddenly shot out from his forehead, flew into the mid-air, turned into a silver light curtain and flew down, covering them in it.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, that is a space restriction."

Su Yi nodded slightly, rushed to the silver light curtain, and punched out with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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