Chapter 1653 Steel to the End

The violent force raged, and instantly scratched a layer of ground from the surrounding ground.

However, even under the impact of such force, the middle-aged man only shook his body slightly and recovered quickly.

On the other hand, Su Yi was blown away by the force of the shock.

After Su Yi landed, he ejected quickly.

Although he was not injured, his face was extremely ugly.

Using 30 kilograms of strength, not only did not do anything to the opponent, but he made himself ashamed and humiliated.

"Haha. This is the fate of overreaching!" The caterpillar laughed wildly.

"Damn it!" Su Yi gritted his teeth, feeling extremely angry inside.

Being ridiculed by a caterpillar in a row, my mentality is about to explode.

The middle-aged man looked at Su Yi intently, and said calmly: "Boy, do you know how powerful I am now? Are you still convinced?"

"You want me to admit defeat? It's absolutely impossible!" Su Yi's expression became fierce in vain.

His strength is far more than that, and he still has a lot of hole cards that he has not used. Of course, he will not admit defeat willingly.

In addition, if you don't defeat the opponent, you will be trapped here.

Therefore, there is no possibility of backing down in this battle.

Must be steel to the end!
[Smart Chariot] persuaded, "Su Yi, forget it, this guy is really too strong."

Su Yi was unmoved, "No one in this world can stop me!"

Since he was chosen as the heir to the way of heaven, the ultimate goal is naturally to become the strongest.

If he can't even overcome the predicament in front of him, it will definitely have a great impact on his state of mind.

The difficulty of being promoted to the strong in the future will surely increase exponentially.

He will never allow this to happen.

The middle-aged man was excited again, "Very well, then you can continue to shoot."

Su Yi stretched out his hand a little towards the air.

A click.

Muran, a huge crack opened in the air,

The next moment, a huge colorful long sword rushed out and floated above Su Yi's head.

"It's still a spiritual cultivator!" A look of emotion appeared on the face of the middle-aged man.

Through the fight with Su Yi, it is clear that Su Yi has a strength of 30 kilograms.

Originally, he thought that Su Yi was just a power cultivator, but he never thought that he was a dual cultivator of both law and body!
It can be seen that Su Yi is definitely a peerless genius!
"Boy, you are very good. Hurry up and let me see your real killing move." The middle-aged man regained his composure and urged impatiently.

"Okay, I'll let you know how powerful I am later." Su Yi snorted, and then summoned Xiaojian.

The middle-aged man is too powerful, if he wants to defeat him, he can only use [Body and Sword Unity].

"There is actually a sword spirit, it's getting more and more interesting!" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Little bitch!" Su Yi shouted.

Xiaojian understood, and rushed into the figurative long sword with a whoosh.

Su Yi then jumped up, and instantly merged with the figurative long sword.

Immediately, it turned into a ten-foot-long sword, and charged vigorously at the middle-aged man.

Sensing an aura of destruction sweeping over, the middle-aged man's face became solemn for the first time.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a gray shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

If you look closely, this shield is completely made of strength.

The moment the shield took shape, the giant long sword charged over.

(End of this chapter)

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