Chapter 1660

"It's quite a good pupil technique." Su Yi muttered thoughtfully, and then asked, "Number 2, that caterpillar is the Blue Cloud Split Silkworm, right?"

"Yes." [Smart Chariot] affirmed.

"That's good." Su Yi nodded slightly, just as he was about to enter the world fragments to practice.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, don't you think the middle-aged man looks like a person?"

"Who do you look like?" Su Yi recalled, but he didn't think anyone looked similar to a middle-aged man.

[Smart Chariot] Said directly: "Ninny."

"Huh?" Su Yi looked puzzled, and said strangely: "My daughter is small and exquisite, but the middle-aged man's appearance is handsome and rough, there is no similarity at all, right?"

[Smart Chariot] explained with a smile: "I don't mean that the two look alike, but that they belong to the same race."

"Human-faced dragon!" Su Yi's expression moved, and his mind turned quickly.

Nannan is a pure strength martial artist, both in terms of strength and defense, she is extremely strong, which is indeed very similar to a middle-aged man.

[Smart Chariot] continued: "The punch of the middle-aged man just now can even collapse a giant mountain. I guess his strength value is close to the limit strength of a warrior, 100 million kilograms. Among the ten thousand races, There are only two races that can cultivate strength to the limit level, one is the human-faced dragon, and the other is the titan."

"The middle-aged man is obviously not a Taita giant, so what's left is a human face."

"One million kilograms of strength?" Su Yi was shocked on the spot.

Originally, he thought that he had a strength of 30 kilograms, but compared with a middle-aged man, he was simply a younger brother.

It really is that there are people beyond the human world!
"If the other party is really a human-faced dragon, it can be manipulated." Su Yi's eyes flickered.

Nannan is also a human face, and he treats her as a younger sister.

If there is such a relationship, maybe you can get some benefits from the middle-aged man?
However, before that, it is necessary to successfully cultivate the Tianma Meteor Fist.

Later, Su Yi entered the world fragments and devoted himself to cultivation.

After the talent star level was raised to 30 stars, his cultivation speed increased a lot again.

In less than three hours, Tianma Meteor Fist has been cultivated to the state of great accomplishment.

Su Yi let out a sigh of relief, and then left the world fragments.

[Smart Chariot] Seeing that Su Yi came out so quickly, he asked in surprise, "Su Yi, have you successfully cultivated?"

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded slightly.

"Awesome!" [Smart Chariot] sighed.

It takes only three hours to cultivate a profound boxing technique to the level of mastery. This kind of cultivation speed is probably only comparable to that of Su Chen back then.

"Low-key." Su Yi smiled lightly, turned and walked out.

Afterwards, he took out the grill and Yinxiao venison and started to grill the meat.

After a while, the strong meaty aroma dissipated.

Su Yi picked up a bunch and chewed it.

But at this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the distance, and it was a middle-aged man who smelled the smell and trotted over.

"Boy, what kind of meat are you grilling? How can it be so delicious?" The middle-aged man stared at the barbecue on the grill, his eyes filled with the scorching light.

The blue cloud split brocade silkworm on the shoulder was also drooling greedily.

"Yinxiao venison is extremely delicious." Su Yi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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