Chapter 1667 Open Your Heart
Su Yi smiled slightly, "Lao An, as a man, how can you say you can't do it? Besides, based on our special relationship, you should do one too."

"Special relationship?" An Dingxuan was somewhat confused, and asked in confusion, "Su Yi, we just met each other, there is nothing special about it, right?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and said tentatively: "Senior, if you guessed correctly, you are a human face, right?"

An Dingxuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he stared at Su Yi, "How do you know?"

He is indeed a human-faced dragon, but the number of human-faced dragons in the world is too rare, perhaps not more than ten.

As a result, the human-faced dragon was almost annihilated in the long river of history, and few people knew about it.

Su Yi revealed his identity in one word. Could it be that he has seen other people face him?

Su Yi smiled and said: "Because I have a friend named Nannan, she is a human-faced dragon."

"Have you really seen it?" An Dingxuan's eyes flashed, and he became excited immediately.

But soon he thought of something again, and asked, "Su Yi, you're not lying to me, are you?"

"What good does it do me to lie to you?" Su Yi laughed dumbfounded, and then described the process of meeting his daughter in detail.

Hearing this, An Dingxuan completely believed in Su Yi, and said gratefully: "Su Yi, our people are too rare, thank you for helping my daughter."

Although the human-faced flood dragon is an extremely powerful race, its strength was mediocre at the beginning.

Without Su Yi's help, Nannan might not have survived.

Su Yi said nonchalantly: "Nuan is not only my friend, but I also regard her as my younger sister. It is only right to help her."

An Dingxuan nodded and asked, "Where is Nannan?"

"In my rear base, if you want to see her, I'll take you there right away," Su Yi said.

An Dingxuan looked melancholy, "But I can't leave here!"

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "Lao An, we should be considered friends, shouldn't we be friends?"

Now An Dingxuan still maintains a trace of sobriety, and there are some things that he will definitely not say.

But if he drank another baijiu fruit, he might be able to let himself go and speak freely.

"You really should drink one." An Dingxuan didn't refuse this time, and started to drink.

After finishing drinking, Su Yi glanced at An Dingxuan, and then asked: "Lao An, since we are friends, if you have any embarrassing secrets, you might as well tell them, maybe I can help."

An Dingxuan smiled wryly, "Su Yi, you can't help."

"Maybe our relationship is not strong enough, if you don't want to talk about it, forget it." Su Yi sighed, looking a little angry.

"You helped Nannan, and you are a great kindness to our Human-faced Dragon Clan. I should have told you, but..." An Dingxuan hesitated to speak up to this point.

"Lao An, drink!" Su Yi opened a baijiu fruit and handed it to An Dingxuan.

An Dingxuan did not hesitate, and began to drink wildly.

Biyun Lie Jincan really couldn't stand it, and reminded: "Boss, you can't drink any more."

Su Yi Muran looked at Biyun Lie Jincan, his eyes were full of killing intent.

Biyun Lie Jincan shuddered all over, and obediently closed his mouth.

After An Dingxuan finished drinking, his body shook slightly, and then he let out a long sigh, as if he had opened his heart, and began to talk, "Su Yi! Do you know how I have lived these years? It's so empty and lonely!"

(End of this chapter)

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