Chapter 1704

Su Yi looked at it for a while, and when he was about to leave, Li Zhenfeng and Lu Cheng walked over hand in hand.

"Su Yi, I have something to tell you. Lao Luo is too much!" Li Zhenfeng yelled angrily.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi was at a loss.

What outrageous thing did Luo Zhennan do?Made Li Zhenfeng so angry?
Li Zhenfeng snorted angrily: "Lao Luo actually looked down on me, saying that my strength is too weak, and he won't let me join the battle sequence."

Su Yi laughed dumbfounded.

Although Li Zhenfeng has been promoted to the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, he is only a spiritual cultivator, and he is also a long-range attacking spiritual cultivator, so he is really useless in the forbidden area of ​​death.

There is nothing wrong with Luo Zhennan's arrangement.

"Su Yi, what are you laughing at?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

"City Lord Luo's arrangement is my idea, because I have more important tasks for you." Su Yi said meaningfully.

"Really?" Li Zhenfeng's eyes lit up.

"How could I lie to you?" Su Yi smiled.

"Su Yi, City Lord Luo didn't let me join the battle sequence." Lu Cheng said angrily: "The headmaster is weak, so it's normal not to let him join, but why did you reject me? You already agreed at that time." me."

"You're going to rebel, aren't you?" Li Zhenfeng slapped Lu Cheng on the shoulder, and said angrily, "Why am I weaker than you? I'm at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and you're only at tenth level of Body Tempering Realm." Heavy, what can you compare with me?"

Lu Cheng looked aggrieved, and reminded: "Principal, you can't use aura in the forbidden area of ​​death. It depends on your strength. My strength is greater than yours, so my strength is naturally stronger than yours."

"If you don't use spiritual energy, you will still be abused!" Li Zhenfeng growled.

Even if Lu Cheng said the truth, he would not admit it.

As a principal, if he can't even compare with a student, it's too shameful.

"Okay, stop fighting, you two, I've already arranged tasks for you." Su Yi interrupted.

"Su Yi, what are we doing?" Li Zhenfeng asked impatiently.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, he opened the world fragments and took out a trebuchet and placed it in front of him, "You will control the trebuchet later."

Looking at the 50-meter-long metal trebuchet in front of them, Li Zhenfeng and Lu Cheng were shocked.

"Su Yi, is this thing very powerful?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

It was the first time he had seen such a big trebuchet, and he didn't know how powerful it was.

"You can throw up to [-] kilograms of stones at a time, and the damage will definitely not be small." Su Yi explained briefly.

"Hiss!" Li Zhenfeng took a deep breath and said, "But we don't know how to manipulate!"

Su Yi said: "It's okay, your task is very simple, just be responsible for moving the stones."

Controlling a trebuchet may seem simple, but it is not.

This process requires the cooperation of several people.

Some are responsible for positioning, some are responsible for throwing, and of course they also need to be filled with stones.

Li Zhenfeng and Lu Cheng didn't understand anything, so let them act as porters.

"Ah?" Li Zhenfeng and Lu Cheng were dumbfounded. The mission Su Yi gave them was to be porters!
Others are fighting in front, and they are moving stones behind?
Isn't this a joke?
Lu Cheng said with a mournful face: "Su Yi, you should give me another mission, I am more suitable for charging!"

"No!" Su Yi's face darkened, and he said in an unquestionable tone: "I am the lord of the rear base, and I will do whatever I say."

"Hey!" Seeing Su Yi's resolute attitude, Lu Cheng sighed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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