Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 171 Bibi kills more beasts

Chapter 171 Bibi kills more beasts
"it is good."

Lu Cheng seemed to understand what Su Yi meant, and was not in a hurry to take out the marking token.

"Su Yi, why are you crazy? Who are you calling trash?"

Zhang Kai growled ferociously.

The other students also had angry expressions, Qi Qi glared at Su Yi.

At any rate, they were all relatively top students of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy, so it was unreasonable for Su Yi to dare to despise them.

"Whether you are a waste or not depends not on your mouth, but on your strength. If you are not convinced, we can compare." Su Yi smiled lightly.

"How do you compare?" Zhang Kai asked.

"It's more than anyone who kills more beasts, and the loser is trash!" Su Yi said lightly.

"Haha. Overthinking one's abilities!"

Zhang Kai laughed, and then asked Xiao Zhanfeng's opinion, "Boss Xiao, what do you think?"

Xiao Zhanfeng is their captain, whether to agree or not depends on what Xiao Zhanfeng means.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then we agree."

Xiao Zhanfeng did not hesitate.

Recently, Su Yi's reputation in the academy has completely overwhelmed him as the number one powerhouse of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy.

He had long been displeased with Su Yi, so he could take this opportunity to suppress him.

Moreover, winning Su Yi is also a sure thing.

One is that there are many of them, and the other is that they are all higher than Su Yi and the other three.

How could you lose?

"Then wait until after the assessment to see the real chapter."

Su Yi smiled and left here with Lu Cheng and the two of them.

"Come on, let's hurry up."

Xiao Zhanfeng reminded, and galloped in one direction with a kind of students.

His goal is not just to win Su Yi, he wants to become the person who hunts the most beasts in the three academies.

Therefore, every minute and every second must be seized.

After the three of Su Yi left, they wandered around Yulan City.

If you encounter a fierce beast, kill it casually, and if you can't find it, look for it slowly, without worrying at all.

After all, they all have a lot of points and have this capital.

Just as they turned a street, there was the sound of fierce fighting ahead.

Su Yi glanced intently, only to see a group of students from the Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy fighting with more than a dozen bloodthirsty pigs, the scene was extremely chaotic.

"Ling Haotian's team."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he said to Lu Cheng and the two of them, "Senior Brother Lu, wait for me here for a while, and I will come as soon as I go."

After the words fell, he flew straight ahead.

The purpose of going here is to snatch the bloodthirsty Liao Zhu.

If it was another team, he wouldn't do it.

But Ling Haotian provoked him again and again, so he should be taught a lesson.

Su Yi rushed forward, without saying a word, and slashed three swords at the bloodthirsty Liao Zhuqun.

Swish swish.
After three piercing sounds, three silver ripples appeared among the bloodthirsty pigs.

Then a flower of blood bloomed.

All the bloodthirsty pigs were split in half and died on the spot.

This sudden turn of events left all the students stunned.

Three swords killed more than a dozen bloodthirsty pigs?

The strength is too tyrannical!

Who is it?

All the students looked at Su Yi together, and when they saw Su Yi clearly, they were all stunned.

When did this freshman from the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy become so powerful?

Ling Haotian was stunned for a moment, and soon discovered the clue.

Su Yi relied on the weapons in his hands to easily kill the bloodthirsty Liao Zhu.

"Su Yi, you bastard! Who told you to snatch our prey?" Ling Haotian was suddenly angry.

(End of this chapter)

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