Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1725 Annihilation of Sea Clan Cavalry

Chapter 1725 Annihilation of Sea Clan Cavalry
Muran, a loud horn rang through.

The sea cavalry seemed to have received the order, and they all shouted.


They held their weapons high, and all of them were ferocious, roaring and charging towards the rear base.

The [-] Sea Clan cavalry seemed to form a blue torrent, crushing them vigorously.

Su Yi immediately issued an order, "The archers shoot, and the little watermelon fires!"

One thousand archers and two hundred Yaozhi shooters shot arrows at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh.
For a time, the sky was full of piercing sounds.

Puchi, puchi.
When a thousand arrows fell, there was a sound of piercing into the flesh.

The sea cavalry who rushed to the front turned their backs and fell one after another.

In just one round of arrow rain, more than 500 sea cavalrymen were killed.

However, the sea cavalry in the back were not afraid of death and continued to charge bravely.

Also at this moment, fifty watermelon gunners fired a giant watermelon.

Fifty giant watermelons fell into the ranks of the Sea Clan cavalry and exploded one after another.

The violent explosion power instantly tore apart the surrounding sea cavalry, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of sea cavalry were killed and maimed.

Those Sea Clan cavalrymen who did not die lay on the ground and howled non-stop.

But within a short while, he was trampled to death by the sea monster that rushed up later, and the scene looked extremely bloody.

Just when the sea cavalry rushed to 300 meters from the base behind the people, the second round of arrow rain arrived as scheduled.

In an instant, hundreds of Sea Clan cavalry fell to the ground with arrows, and were crushed to death by the Sea Clan cavalry behind them.

"Little pea, attack!" Su Yi gave an attack command to the ordinary pea shooter.

The pea shooters attacked in unison, shooting two hundred green peas the size of a fist.

However, their attack power was very limited, and they failed to cause too much damage to the Sea Race cavalry.

In the blink of an eye, the follow-up Sea Clan cavalry rushed to a distance of [-] meters from the rear base.

Whoosh whoosh.
The human archers fired their third round of arrows.

Twenty trebuchets were also activated at the same time, and twenty huge stones fell from the sky, not only killing hundreds of sea cavalry, but also blocking the pace of subsequent sea cavalry attacks.

This caused a disjoint in their formation, and the sea cavalry rushing to the front were only a few hundred people.

bang bang bang..
When the more than 100 sea cavalry rushed to the front, they were completely blocked by the shieldmen of the tribe.

The spearman behind the shieldman seized the opportunity, and the five hundred spears stabbed out at the same time, easily ending the lives of these sea cavalrymen.

The follow-up sea cavalry came late, and suffered three rounds of arrow rain and two catapult attacks on the way. The damage was particularly heavy, and the lineup was completely broken up.

Each time the Sea Clan cavalry rushed to the front, there were no more than [-] cavalry at most, and they were killed without even stirring the waves.

After going down again and again, when the last wave of sea cavalry rushed over, there were only 500 people left.

Wukong rushed forward with a thick stone pillar in his hand, and with a few sticks, he killed them all.

In the first wave of attack, the human race wiped out [-] sea cavalry without any casualties, and they won a complete victory.

The rear base roared with joy and high spirits.

The golden armor gritted its teeth fiercely, and its face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Muran, he roared at the aliens behind him: "Launch a full-scale attack, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"


Shouts of killing sounded from all directions at the same time, shaking the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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