Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1731 Locking the Golden Armored Beast

Chapter 1731 Locking the Golden Armored Beast
With no worries, Su Yi once again aimed at the Feiyu clan and the Yemo clan.

These two races are too much of a threat to the rear base. If they are not cleaned up, they can only hide in the cobblestones, which is too passive.

Seeing that Su Yi almost killed all the Yemo tribe and Feiyu tribe by himself, Jin Jia gritted his teeth fiercely.

Muran, he shouted to a fierce beast behind him: "When will the powerful Titans arrive?"

If you want to hunt Su Yi, you must send a strong man of the same level.

The Titans are undoubtedly the best candidates.

The ferocious beast hurriedly replied, "Report to my lord, the Titan will arrive tomorrow."

The golden armored beast grinned sullenly, "Let Su Yi live a little longer."

"My lord, the Flying Feather Clan and the Night Demon Clan have lost too much, should we let them withdraw first?" a ferocious beast suggested.

"Continue to consume Su Yi." The golden armored murderer's eyes were cold.

In his eyes, aliens are just cannon fodder. As long as he can kill Su Yi, he doesn't care even if he is dead.

Twenty minutes later, Su Yi finally killed all the Yemo and Feiyu tribe members.

At this moment, he was already out of breath.

However, Su Yi did not intend to return, but locked his eyes on the golden armored beast.

The golden-armored beast is not only powerful, but also has commanding skills.

His existence is too great a threat to the rear base.

"Want to kill me?" The golden-armored beast instinctively sensed the danger, and slowly retreated to the side of the two titans.

"Counsel!" Su Yi snorted coldly, the wings on his back fluttered wildly, and rushed towards the golden armored beast.

"Protect me!" The golden-armored beast was startled and roared loudly.

All the ferocious beasts around suddenly threw their spears.

Hundreds of spears pierced the sky, completely covering Su Yi.

Su Yi ignored it and let the spear hit his body.

Bang bang bang.
Accompanied by the sound of collisions, these spears hit Su Yi's body and bounced off one after another, unable to break through Su Yi's defense at all.

"Damn it!" The golden-armored beast's eyes widened and it roared in fright.

The other beasts were also shocked.

They have never seen a warrior with such a strong physical defense!
Who the hell could kill Su Yi?


Su Yi descended from the sky, raised his hand and punched out.

Due to too much consumption, it is no longer possible to use boxing secret skills.

However, even an ordinary punch cannot be resisted by ordinary beasts.

With this punch, the dozens of beasts standing in front of him were instantly torn apart.

Su Yi seemed to be in the land of no one, striding towards the golden armored beast.

"Don't be mad!"

The two giant titans clenched their huge fists and threw them at Su Yi in the air.

Su Yi didn't choose hard steel, and with a single move, he disappeared in place in an instant.

Although [teleportation] cannot be used, but with the body of the god of war, the speed is far beyond imagination.

Su Yi easily broke through the barriers of the two giant titans, and appeared in front of the golden armored beast like a ghost.

"You..." the golden-armored monster suddenly shrank its eyes, gritted its teeth and punched out.

Suddenly, a golden fist shadow about the size of Zhangxu smashed towards Su Yifei.

Su Yi smiled contemptuously, and slashed across the air with the Xuantian Slashing Spirit Sword in his hand.

With a stab, the golden shadow of the fist was split into two.

"Xuantian Slashing Spirit Sword!" The golden-armored beast was so frightened that its liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and when Su Yi was bullying him, it quickly tore apart a teleportation talisman in its hand.

(End of this chapter)

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