Chapter 1743 Weakening
Su Yi glanced at the woman in white, and said coldly: "I'm giving you a chance, if you don't kneel down, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After saying that, he took the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword and slashed lightly on the neck of the Spider Queen.

A smear of blood flowed down along the edge of the Xuantian Spirit Slashing Sword.

"Stop!" The woman in white roared and fell to her knees on the ground with a plop.

Even if he is not reconciled, he can't just watch the Spider Queen die in front of him.

Su Yi then took out three spirit pet pills and threw them in front of the woman in white, reminding him: "Take these three pills, and I can let your sister go."

"What kind of elixir is this?" The woman in white looked at the spirit pet elixir, seemingly hesitant.

"Why do you care so much? My patience is limited, don't force me to do it!" Su Yi's face suddenly darkened, and his voice became much colder.

"Little sister, don't eat!" The Spider Queen yelled.

Su Yi obviously had bad intentions, and these three elixirs might be some kind of poison.

The woman in white had no choice, she gritted her teeth, and opened her mouth to swallow the spirit pet pill.

Seeing this, Su Yi let out a long breath, and looked at the woman in white intently.

After a while, the eyes of the woman in white became gentle, and the anger and murderous intent on her body disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?" The spider queen noticed the change in the woman in white and asked worriedly.

"Sister, I'm fine." The woman in white smiled, turned to Su Yi, and said respectfully, "Master, please don't hurt my sister."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her." Su Yi promised happily.

Two spiders are so powerful, they are the most suitable spiritual pets, so how can they be willing to hurt them?

The Spider Queen froze for a moment, then roared angrily at Su Yi, "Su Yi, I will fight you!"

The woman in white was obviously adopted by Su Yi as a spiritual pet, which was absolutely unacceptable to her.

"What are you fighting with me?" Su Yi smiled contemptuously, and fed three spirit pet pills to the Spider Queen involuntarily.

After a few breaths, the Spider Queen also became docile.

"Little Spider, are you still convinced?" Su Yi looked at the Spider Queen and said meaningfully.

The Spider Queen was terrified, and said weakly: "Master, I was wrong."

Su Yi was very satisfied with the Spider Queen's attitude, nodded slightly, and told the woman in white, "Come here."

The woman in white got up and came to Su Yi.

Su Yi patted the woman in white on the shoulder.

Muran, the system's voice resounded, "Touch the White Jade Spider Empress, extract 100000 qi and blood, extract 100000 tempered body attributes, automatically derive supreme divine power, host supreme divine body (221|1000), has not reached the upgrade standard. Extract The white jade spider queen's innate supernatural power has been weakened, and the host has gained supernatural power [weakened]."

[Weaken]: This skill is a passive skill, which automatically weakens the opponent's strength value during the battle, and the maximum range can be weakened by 20.00%.

"Nice!" Su Yi was very excited.

As early as when the White Jade Spider Queen appeared, he suspected that the White Jade Spider Queen and the Black Jade Spider Queen each possessed a supernatural power.

Sure enough, it was as he expected, and it was extracted.

With the addition of the two supernatural powers of [Fury] and [Weaken], his strength has undoubtedly soared again.

Su Yi calmed down, looked at the two spiders with fluttering eyes, and then said: "From now on, you two will follow me, but before that, I have to give you a name."

The Baiyu Spider Queen and the Moyu Spider Queen waited quietly for Su Yi to say go first.

(End of this chapter)

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