Chapter 175

On the other side, after Su Yi entered the city, he kept searching for the corpses of fierce beasts, and he put more than a dozen of them in the [Qiankun Ring] in a short while.

Before leaving, they dragged out three relatively small corpses of bloodthirsty pigs.

He kept one for himself, and distributed the remaining two to Lu Cheng and his wife.

"Senior Brother Lu, Senior Sister He, this is yours."

Coming out of Yulan City, Su Yi threw the two bloodthirsty Liao pigs at the feet of Lu Cheng and the others.

"Su Yi, thank you!"

Lu Cheng and He Yue thanked each other repeatedly.

Today, Su Yi not only helped them get a lot of points, but he even thought about them when he took the beast.

Involuntarily, their affection for Su Yi rose to a higher level again.

"Su Yi, how many points have you got? Can you compare them now?"

At this time, Xiao Zhanfeng came up with a group of students, each of whom showed a complacent look.

Before, they jointly killed hundreds of ferocious beasts in Yulan City, and their points totaled as much as [-].

This result is already quite good, more than double that of Hao Lirong's team.

And Xiao Zhanfeng himself has gained nearly [-] points.

Therefore, Xiao Zhanfeng felt that whether it was personal points or team points, they were enough to crush Su Yi.

Once Su Yi is defeated, he has to admit that he is a waste.

Then from then on, Su Yi's limelight in the academy will be completely suppressed by him.

"So anxious?"

Su Yi smiled lightly.

"Su Yi, we have agreed before that the loser has to admit that he is trash! Are you trying to play tricks?" Chen Kai sneered.

He couldn't wait to see Su Yi make a fool of himself.

After hearing the news, Hao Lirong's team also gathered together to watch the excitement.

"Lu Cheng, you are too miserable. Not to mention that Su Yi's team can't kill a few beasts, but you still have to admit that you are useless. I really sympathize with you."

A student approached Lu Cheng and laughed.

"It hasn't been compared yet, how do you know we will lose?" Lu Cheng snorted disdainfully.

The classmate who spoke stared blankly at Lu Cheng, shook his head and said, "With Su Yi, I didn't learn anything else, but I learned how to pretend."

When Lu Cheng wanted to refute, he was stopped by He Yue's eyes.

It's meaningless to be brave with the other party now. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to slap the other party in the face when you compare the points?

"Xiao Zhanfeng, do you want to compare individual points or team points?" Su Yi asked.

"Team points."

Xiao Zhanfeng hesitated for a moment, then raised his voice.

They have the largest number of teams, and they have an advantage over team points.

"So how many points have you got in total?" Su Yi said lightly.

"A total of 620 three points."

Zhang Kai spoke first with a proud face.

Hearing this, the students in Hao Lirong's team were all envious.

More than 8000 points, more than double that of their team.

At the same time, it was also determined that Su Yi's team would definitely lose.

Lu Cheng and He Yue looked at each other, and couldn't help but chuckled.

Only [-] points, not as high as Su Yi alone.

They are looking forward to it very much now. How will Xiao Zhanfeng and others feel when they see Su Yi's points?

"Su Yi, what about you? Is there a thousand in total?" There was a hint of mockery on the corner of Zhang Kai's mouth.

"Zhang Kai, you think too highly of them! One thousand points? It would be great if it can exceed five hundred."

"Maybe it's less than a hundred?"

Immediately, two more students followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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