Chapter 1756 I'm Back
Su Yi froze for a moment, "Is this the sound of the system?"

Muran, some fragments that were buried deep in his memory emerged in his mind, without exception, they were all scenes of touching the extraction ability of animals.

It's so real, yet so far away.

"What's going on?" Su Yi was a little confused, and his mind was very confused.

Is this really a dream?
However, Su Lin, Li Caihua and Cao Qinglang are all real!

At this time, Su Yi felt very painful, and kept scratching his head with his hands.

Jiang Piaoxue next to him asked worriedly: "Su Yi, is there something wrong with you?"

Su Yi ignored it and turned to search around.

Soon, a woman with a pet dog came into his sight.

Su Yi flew up and held down the pet dog.

The owner of the pet dog yelled in surprise, "Who are you? Let my baby go!"

Su Yi still ignored him and listened quietly.

Muran, the mechanical voice sounded again in his mind, "Touch Jingba to extract 100 tempered body attributes. Because the host is in a dream, this extraction is considered invalid."

"It really is the system!" Su Yi's eyes became much more determined.

Immediately, a familiar voice sounded in his mind, "Su Yi, everything you see is false, including all people are false, don't believe them!"

Su Yi's expression changed, "No. 2!"

"Su Yi, hurry up and let that puppy go." At this moment, Jiang Piaoxue trotted up to persuade him.

Su Yi stood up suddenly, pinched Little Jingba's neck with one hand and squeezed it hard.

A click.

Little Jingba was like a broken lens, shattered one after another, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Su Yi laughed, "This is indeed a dream, you are all fake!"


There was a sudden muffled thunder in the sky.

The next moment, the wind and clouds surged, and the earth trembled.

People on the street showed panic and shouted, it felt like the end of the world.

Seeing this, Su Yi laughed even crazier, "It's fake! It's all fake! Don't try to trap me!"

boom!Ka Ka Ka.
Amidst the loud laughter, nearby buildings collapsed one after another.

Jiang Piaoxue shouted in shock, "Su Yi, stop talking, please!"

Suddenly, Su Lin, Cao Qinglang, Li Caihua and other familiar people appeared in front of them, and they all shouted, "Su Yi, if you continue to think wildly, we will all die!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, "I'm not thinking wildly, because this is a dream, a false place, and you are all illusory."

Jiang Piaoxue said anxiously: "So what if it's a dream? Isn't this kind of quiet and comfortable life what we long for? Is it better than you going out to fight and kill?"

Su Yi's eyes showed determination, "I really like a comfortable life, but there are my relatives, friends, and comrades-in-arms outside, and I will never abandon them! I will use my blood to protect them and protect the last days of our human race." A piece of pure land!"

"Su Yi, you will regret it!" Jiang Piaoxue roared, and finally turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared before his eyes.

At the same time, other people are disappearing one by one, including all buildings.

When the surrounding area turned into nothingness, a beam of light suddenly shot down from midair, covering Su Yi's body.

Su Yi looked up to the sky and screamed, "I'm back!"

With a whimper, Su Yi disappeared into the light beam.

(End of this chapter)

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