Chapter 1767 Escape
Ling Nianyao sized up Su Yi's body, and said with a sneer, "A clone still wants to fool me?"

sound off.

The green vine strangled inward, and Su Yi's avatar turned into a little bit of starlight and fell down.

The clone was destroyed, and Su Yi's body appeared a thousand meters away.

Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi with fluttering eyes, her face was calm, as if she had expected that Su Yi would use the technique of clone.

Su Yi smiled, and Muran raised a middle finger at Ling Nianyao, "You're still too young to grab me."

"Ignorance!" Ling Nianyao snorted softly, and reached out to grab Su Yiyao.

Immediately, a golden palm about the size of Zhang Xu appeared in mid-air and rushed towards Su Yi.

"Golden spirit energy?" Su Yi was quite surprised.

Shouldn't the holy tree of the elves have wood aura?How did it become golden aura?

Su Yi didn't have time to think too much, he held the Xuantian Zhan Lingjian and slashed in the air.

With a puff, the big golden hand was split in two.

But the golden palm didn't dissipate just like that, a green light suddenly burst out from it, containing a very strong breath of life.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared.

The palm that was split in half was bathed in the green glow, and in a blink of an eye it turned into two golden palms of the same size, and continued to grab Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't believe in evil, and Xuantian Zhan Lingjian once again slashed in the air.

The two big golden hands turned into four pieces, but surrounded by the green light, they turned into four big golden hands.

Su Yi realized that something was wrong. If he continued to hack, the golden hands would only grow more and more.

Instead of continuing to entangle, simply ignore it.

Anyway, his purpose is to delay time.

Su Yi stomped his feet and jumped into the air.

Immediately afterwards, six thin wings emerged from the back, and they flapped violently, flying towards the distance like a meteor, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Ling Nianyao's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and her expression was as calm as water, as if she was not worried that Su Yi would escape at all.

On the other side, Su Yi used his speed to the extreme, but within a few breaths, he had already shot more than ten kilometers away.

Seeing that Ling Nianyao didn't come after him, it made him mutter instead.

Logically speaking, Ling Nianyao would never let him escape.

So why not put it into action?
Just when Su Yi was puzzled, the surrounding void suddenly trembled.

clack clack.
Accompanied by a burst of shattering, tens of thousands of green vines shot out of the void, each of which was a hundred meters long and as thick as a bucket.

Winding and hovering in mid-air, like giant pythons.

"Has the domain been released?" Su Yi's expression froze.

These green vines should be derivatives of the domain.

At this moment, I understood why Ling Nianyao didn't pursue him, because he was trapped in the domain, unless he could break the domain wall, he would be a turtle in an urn.

Su Yi is capable of breaking the domain wall, but the key [smart chariot] is not around, and he cannot determine the location of the domain wall, so he cannot get out of trouble.

At this moment, tens of thousands of green vines rolled towards him.

Su Yi snorted coldly, and raised his hand to smash out [Storm Hammer].

The huge gray hammer shadow roared upwards, tearing apart hundreds of green vines in an instant.

But as in the previous situation, after these vines shattered, a layer of green light bloomed at the same time, and then re-condensed, turning into new green vines.

The number suddenly doubled several times.

(End of this chapter)

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