Chapter 177
Li Zhenfeng who heard the movement stepped forward and asked, "What are you yelling about?"

Lu Cheng immediately said: "Principal, Zhang Kai suspects that the points on the token of Su Yi's mark were obtained by cheating."

"Damn things!"

Li Zhenfeng's face darkened suddenly, and he glared at Zhang Kai furiously, "I have no ability, you are a waste! You don't know how to self-examine, and you still have to suspect others? If you dare to be rude, you will be expelled from the academy!"

There is no doubt that Su Yi's points are absolutely true.

Moreover, with Su Yi's points, the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy is likely to win the first place in this trial.

Zhang Kai actually suspected Su Yi of cheating for his own selfishness.

Isn't this discrediting the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy?
How could Li Zhenfeng not be angry?
Not kicking Zhang Kai into the air was considered extremely restrained.

"Principal, I was wrong, I shouldn't question Su Yi!"

Zhang Kai was so frightened that he shivered all over.

If he was really expelled from the academy, there would be a stain on the file, and his life would be ruined.

"Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Su Yi?" Li Zhenfeng snorted coldly.

Zhang Kai trotted in front of Su Yi in a hurry, "Su Yi, I was wrong, I'm just a waste! Don't be as knowledgeable as me! Give it to me."

"For the sake of your good attitude, I don't care about you."

Su Yi nodded slightly.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Kai let out a long sigh of relief.

At this time, Xiao Zhanfeng came to Su Yi, looked at Su Yi blankly, and Mu Ran said, "Su Yi, I lost, and I am also a waste! It is indeed incomparable to you!"

It is an extremely embarrassing thing to admit that he is a waste in public, especially a genius like him who is known as the number one powerhouse of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy.

However, he is a man who can afford to lose and a man who follows the rules.

Manly man, one spit and one nail.

Now that you have made a bet against Su Yi, you must be brave enough to take responsibility.

Hearing this, the surrounding students were stunned.

None of them thought that Xiao Zhanfeng could admit that he was a waste without hesitation.

How much courage it takes!
Su Yi was also slightly taken aback.

Originally, after Zhang Kai apologized to himself, he didn't intend to pursue it.

After all, they all belong to the same academy, so you can't see them when you look up.

There is no enmity on weekdays, so there is no need to let the other party down.

However, he didn't expect Xiao Zhanfeng to keep his promise so boldly!He is indeed a man.

Moreover, he can also feel that Xiao Zhanfeng is not artificial at all, but very sincere.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Senior brother Xiao is serious, you are the leader of our college, you are not a waste, I was just joking with you about the previous incident."

"Su Yi. Thank you!"

Xiao Zhanfeng bit his lip and whispered.

In fact, Su Yi could take this opportunity to humiliate him, but Su Yi didn't do so, which gave him face even more.

Involuntarily, he developed a fondness for, or admiration for, Su Yi.

Su Yi was able to gain more than 9000 points by himself, which in itself showed that he was a much stronger man than him.

He has always respected the strong.

In addition, Su Yi disregarded previous suspicions and was broad-minded.

Immediately, he was in awe of Su Yi.

From then on, there was no grudge against Su Yi.

He even had the idea of ​​wanting to make friends with Su Yi.

Li Zhenfeng next to him nodded slightly when he saw Su Yi handling things like this.

In the future, Yuancheng will be handed over to Su Yi.

Commanding a city requires not only super strength, but also convincing prestige!
So far, he is very satisfied with Su Yi's performance,

(End of this chapter)

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