Chapter 1777 Compromised

Su Yi is determined to win the World-Exterminating Sniper Rifle, so of course he won't give up just yet.

After pondering for a while, he spoke again, "It's not troublesome at all. After all, we are friends, and we should help each other."

Ling Nianyao sneered, "But I don't need your help."

Su Yi: "."

Ling Nianyao seems to be much smarter than before, so it's not easy to fool around!

You must be patient when dealing with such a recalcitrant Lord.

Su Yiyu said earnestly: "Of course you can advance to the true spirit realm, but it takes too long. You don't want to advance quickly? Defeat the beast as soon as possible, so that you can avenge your dead elves!"

Hearing this, Ling Nianyao was a little confused.

She really wanted to get promoted quickly, and even more wanted to kill all the beasts and aliens!

However, she didn't want Su Yi to succeed.

Every time I think of what Su Yi did before, I get angry.

Su Yi glanced at Ling Nianyao, and said while the iron was hot: "Elder Ji's biggest wish is to watch you grow up early and lead the elves to fight back against fierce beasts. How can you disregard righteousness just to get angry with me? You like this Doing so will chill Elder Ji."

Ling Nianyao was disturbed for a while, and said angrily: "I will give Elder Ji an explanation, don't bother you!"

Su Yi snorted softly: "Elder Ji broke his heart because of you, what do you give her? Are you worthy of Elder Ji's enthusiasm? Are you worthy of those elves who sacrificed for you?"

Su Yi spoke more and more vigorously, "Ling Nianyao, thanks to the fact that you are still the guardian of the elves, you are too disappointing! It is also too chilling, I look down on you!"

Ling Nianyao gritted her teeth and growled, "Stop talking!"

If Su Yi continued to talk about this, wouldn't she become a sinner of the elves?
But she didn't feel sorry for the elves.

It's nothing more than wanting to be promoted through one's own efforts.

Is this also wrong?

Su Yi curled his lips, "Okay, I won't say anything, I don't care if you are willing to be stubborn. Anyway, after I go out, I will tell Elder Ji truthfully. I don't know if she will be chilled."

"Su Yi, don't tell tales!" Ling Nianyao's cheeks puffed up.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, I won't add oil and vinegar."

Ling Nianyao took a deep breath, and said coldly: "You say so much, you just want to get the treasure in the yurt, do you think I don't know?"

"I'm full of righteousness and the sun and the moon shine! Everything I say and do is for the sake of you and my race." Su Yi spoke with no falsehood.

Although it was for the World Destruction Sniper Rifle, he would definitely not admit it.

Ling Nianyao is so angry!
Su Yi's words were clearly insincere, but he said them righteously, it was extremely shameless!
But knowing this, she was powerless to refute.

The reason is also simple, and Su Yi can't be said at all.

Ling Nianyao finally compromised, "I agree, but you must agree to one condition."

"What conditions?" Su Yi's eyes lit up.

As long as he can get the World Exterminating Sniper Rifle, he will not hesitate to pay a price.

Ling Nianyao pondered for a while, and said: "I haven't thought it through yet, I'll tell you when I think it over."

"Okay." Su Yi readily agreed.

As long as he got the World Extinguishing Sniper Rifle, whether he agrees or not depends on his mood.

Ling Nianyao turned to ask: "Can you help me advance to the Real Spirit Realm?"

Su Yi was stunned, there was really nothing he could do.

Ling Nianyao said, "I have a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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