Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1779 Su Yi broke it for me

Chapter 1779 Su Yi broke it for me

When Su Yi was about to explain, Huo Tiancheng suddenly walked up to him and asked with a smile, "Su Yi, who are the two beauties beside you?"

The others were also very curious, and all gathered around.

Both Ling Nianyao and Mie Mie are genuine beauties, especially Ling Nianyao, who is even more dazzling, even comparable to Jiang Piaoxue.

A beauty of this level is rare in the world. Where did Su Yi get it?

Su Yi smiled, and then introduced Ling Nianyao and Mie Mie to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone was amazed.

The woman in red is actually the Extinguishing Fire Yang Tree?

And Ling Nianyao is wearing a man's casual clothes?
and many more
Isn't the clothes on Ling Nianyao Su Yi's?

Huo Tiancheng was keenly aware of this.

Since it was Su Yi's clothes, why did they wear it on Ling Nianyao's body?

Huo Tiancheng asked curiously: "Su Yi, why is Ling Nianyao wearing your clothes?"

"This." Su Yi didn't know what to reply for a while.

Could it be that Ling Nianyao's clothes were all torn, so she changed into his clothes?

Does that sound suspicious?Then cranky?
This question must be answered with caution.

When Su Yi was thinking deeply, Ling Nianyao suddenly said, "Su Yi broke it for me."

Su Yi: "."

Everyone: "."

what's the situation?
Su Yi was broken?

Why did Su Yi have to be broken?
Could it be
It is true that Ling Nianyao's clothes were indeed broken during the fight with Su Yi.

But on this occasion, saying these words has to make people daydream.

After all, Ling Nianyao is a beauty of Jiang Piaoxue's level, and Su Yi is at a young age, so it is hard to guarantee that he will not do some impulsive things.

It's understandable if you think about it.

Su Yi probably overpowered Ling Nianyao.

"My mother! Su Yi, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person? My sixth son admires you!" The strong man in the iron tower laughed.

Huo Tiancheng smiled meaningfully: "Su Yi, I understand."

Su Yi's face suddenly darkened.

The human setting has collapsed!

Even jumping into the Yellow River can't clean it up!I only looked at it twice at most.

Definitely not that kind of heinous person!

Realizing that Ling Nianyao made a move, Su Yi looked at Ling Nianyao angrily.

But Ling Nianyao raised her brows with a proud look on her face, as if she was provoking.

Su Yi took a deep breath, resisting the urge to hit someone, and explained: "Don't get me wrong, the real situation is that I had a sparring with Ling Nianyao before, and I accidentally broke her two sleeves gone."

"Really?" Everyone felt that Su Yi's explanation was very pale, and they didn't really believe it.

Even if the sleeve is torn, there is no need to change the pants, right?
Did you tear off your pants too?
This is a bit too much!

Huo Tiancheng rolled his eyes, turned to Ling Nianyao and asked: "Ling Nianyao, is this the case?"

Ling Nianyao smiled faintly, "Guess?"

How do you guess?
This imagination space is big.

Huo Tiancheng thought for a while, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Su Yi didn't want to explain anymore, some things got darker and darker, so he changed the topic, "Everyone, hurry up and rest, the aliens may attack again soon."

After saying that, he walked to the side, and when passing by Ling Nianyao, he said coldly: "You wait for me!"

He was sure that Ling Nianyao said this on purpose, just to embarrass him.

It's not his style at all if he doesn't come back with revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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