Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1785 Do You Have Evidence?

Chapter 1785 Do You Have Evidence?

Su Yi simply didn't think much about it.

The people of the Mogao tribe will arrive soon, and it will be clear when the time comes.

Later, Su Yi led people out of the passageway.

A hundred meters away from the cobblestone, there are all figures of aliens.

When they saw Su Yi, there was a trace of panic in their eyes, and they couldn't help but started to back away.

Su Yi has killed tens of thousands of aliens in recent days, including hundreds of adult Titans, and his power is unmatched!

Instinctively, they were afraid, and they were a little worried that Su Yi was going to start a massacre again?
Su Yi glanced around, ignored the aliens, but looked into the distance with fluttering eyes.

After a while, an aircraft appeared in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

[Smart Chariot] Reminds, "Su Yi, this is the aircraft of the Mogao people."

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded slightly.

When the aircraft approached, it landed rapidly, completely ignoring the aliens below.


The surrounding aliens retreated one after another.


After the aircraft landed, the hatch opened.

Immediately afterwards, a slender golden bronze man stepped down from it, who looked similar to Xing Haibin.

But there are also some differences.

The Mogao clansman in front of him had delicate features and a feminine air.

"A hermaphrodite?" Su Yi muttered secretly.

At this time, the Mogao clansman glanced at the rear base and said loudly, "Who is Su Yi?"

"Huh?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

The voice of the other party was very spy, and it sounded more like a woman's voice.

Is it a woman?Or eunuch?

Su Yi glanced at the other person's chest, saw that it was an open flat land, and had the answer in his heart, it should be the eunuch.

"Su Yi, don't be a coward, get out!" Seeing that there was no response from the rear base, the Mogao people screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Call your sister!" Su Yi's face darkened, and he stepped forward.

The Mogao tribe glanced at Su Yi, and said coldly, "You are Su Yi?"

"Exactly." Su Yi nodded, and said with a light smile, "This little eunuch brother from the Mogao tribe came to me angrily, what's the matter?"

"Haha!" The rear base burst into laughter.

"Eunuch? Little brother?" The Mogao clansman was stunned for a moment, and a sullen expression appeared on his face, and he roared: "I'm a woman! Are you blind?"

"Female?" This time it was Su Yi's turn to be dazed.

"Do you have any evidence?"

Mogao people: "..."


She is clearly a real woman, how can she prove it?

The brawny man in the iron tower followed suit, "I'm damn! You have such a fucking eunuch face, what kind of woman are you pretending to be? Are you crazy about being a woman?"

"You..." The Mogao people trembled, their chests heaving violently.

She really didn't expect that there would be such a vicious person among the human race, and she was about to explode at this moment.

Huo Tiancheng chuckled, "How about this, let me confirm whether you are a woman or not?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the rear base showed contempt.

Huo Tiancheng is too nasty!

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you all!" The Mogao clansmen were humiliated repeatedly, acting like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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