Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1789 A Divine Grade Spirit Crystal

Chapter 1789 Ten Divine Grade Spirit Crystals
Su Yi said naturally: "Spirit crystal of divine grade."

At present, the most lacking thing is the divine grade spirit crystal, because those who died in battle are waiting to be resurrected.

"Yes." Without hesitation, Xing Ao took out five sacred spirit crystals from the storage bag, and threw them to Su Yi.

"It's really a divine grade spirit crystal!" Su Yi was inexplicably excited.

Asking for the god-grade spirit crystal is just a test, because the god-grade spirit crystal is too precious, he doesn't think Xing Ao will have it.

He never thought that Xing Ao would give five directly, which really made him a little overjoyed.

"The things are already given to you, let my daughter go quickly." Xing Ao urged.

Su Yi's face darkened, and he said bluntly: "You want to exchange your daughter's life for five god-level spirit crystals? Is your daughter so worthless?"

In fact, he was already very satisfied to get five divine grade spirit crystals.

However, since Xing Ao was able to take out five so happily, he should still have them on him, right?
If Xing Ao is not squeezed dry, it is not in line with his style of conduct.

"How much do you want?" Xing Ao said holding back his anger.

Su Yi chuckled, "It's not many, a hundred is enough."

"What?" Xing Ao was stunned for a moment, and roared: "Do you think the divine grade spirit crystal is a Chinese cabbage? Human! I advise you not to push your feet!"

He could see through it. Su Yi was clearly extorting.

Don't say he doesn't have so many, even if he does, he won't give them.

Su Yi squinted his eyes at Xing Ao, and said lightly: "You can give me more."

If you insist on asking for a hundred pieces, you might break your face with Xing Ao.

Xing Ao looked cold, and snorted softly: "I can give you five more, I hope you will keep your promise and don't dig your own grave!"

"Threat me?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and said with a light smile, "Don't leave the ink, give it to me quickly."

Xing Ao tossed it casually, and then threw five spiritual crystals to Su Yi.

Su Yi happily collected the ten god-level spirit crystals into [Qiankun Ring], and then said to Xing Ao: "Let's talk about other compensation matters next."

"What do you mean?" Xing Ao was confused.

Su Yi is still not satisfied with taking ten god-level spirit crystals?Is this ready to play a rogue?

Do you really think he is so easy to talk to?Can you handle it at will?
Xing Ao's face was as gloomy as water, "Human, you forced me to do this!"

Seeing that Xing Ao was about to make a move, Su Yi quickly interrupted: "Old Xing, your temper is too violent, can you listen to me first?"

"Say!" Xing Ao let out a cold whistle.

Su Yi said lightly: "Didn't you agree just now? Ten god-level spirit crystals will buy your daughter's life."

Xing Ao asked suspiciously: "Since you admit it, and you have obtained the spirit crystal of the divine grade, why do you need to make up for it?"

Su Yi said straightforwardly: "I didn't offend you Mogao people, but Xing Feifei indiscriminately injured my little brother Ling Nianyao when he came here, shouldn't I ask you for some medical expenses?"

"Asshole!" Ling Nian Yao's teeth itched angrily.

Her strength is completely above Xing Feifei, when was she injured?
Also, Su Yi opened his mouth and shut his mouth to regard her as his younger brother, which annoyed her even more.

Xing Ao pondered for a while, and said: "I don't have any god-grade spirit crystals anymore, but I can give you some other spirit crystals as compensation."

At this time, he can be regarded as begging for perfection.

As long as Xing Feifei is saved, there will be no worries.

It will make Su Yi pay a heavy price!

No one can blackmail the Mogao people.

If there is one, destroy him!

(End of this chapter)

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