Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 184 Brother-in-law joins the group

Chapter 184 Brother-in-law joins the group

"Principal Li, can a warrior with the talent for stealth combat break through his limits?"

Feng Zhennan calmed down, and tentatively said in a low voice.

As we all know, in the basic state, the strength value of a warrior is at most 2000 kilograms.

And Su Yi's strength value definitely exceeded 2000 kilograms, so he doubted it.

"I don't know."

Li Zhenfeng shook his head blankly, then said softly: "I'll ask him when I go back."

On the other side, after Su Yi threw Ling Haotian away, he clapped his hands, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

After that, he picked up the [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword] and came in front of Li Zhenfeng and the two, "Principal, Captain Feng, I'll go back first if it's okay."

"it is good."

Li Zhenfeng nodded.

Behind, Su Yi and the others greeted and left quickly.

Half an hour later, Su Yi returned home.

Li Caihua was shocked when she saw Su Yi carrying a huge beast corpse, and asked in a voice, "Xiaoyi, did you kill this beast in Yulan City?"

She had already learned about Su Yi's participation in the counterattack against Yulan City from Su Lin.


Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Mom, let's improve the food tonight."

"Xiaoyi, what kind of beast is this?"

Li Caihua asked curiously, having never seen a bloodthirsty Liao pig.

"Bloodthirsty Liao Zhu at the third level of Body Tempering Realm." Su Yi gave a brief introduction.

"Can such a powerful beast be killed?"

Li Caihua was completely shocked.

Su Yi smiled and did not explain.

Later, he walked into the kitchen carrying the bloodthirsty liao pig and chopped it in half.

Their family couldn't finish eating such a big bloodthirsty Liao pig, so they decided to give half of it to Cao Qinglang.

"Mom, I'll send some to Lao Cao."

Su Yi carried half a bloodthirsty Liao pig downstairs, and called Cao Qinglang while walking, "Old Cao, come downstairs to my house, I have something for you."

After coming downstairs, after waiting for a few minutes, Cao Qinglang rushed over.

"Old Cao, it's for you."

Su Yi threw half a bloodthirsty Liao pig to Cao Qinglang, turned around and walked upstairs.

Cao Qinglang froze in place holding a bloodthirsty Liao pig that was half bigger than himself.

When he got home, he didn't find Su Lin. Su Yi asked strangely, "Mom, where is Su Lin?"

"I haven't left the room all day, and I don't know what I'm doing?" Li Caihua muttered.

Su Yi guessed that he was probably chatting with Jiang Piaoxue.

But talking for a day, isn't it a bit exaggerated?

Su Yi shook his head, turned and entered his room.

Lying on the wooden bed, he turned on his mobile phone, and the first thing he watched was 'Sweet Family Group'.

At this time, the displayed unread messages are still a terrifying 999+.

After Su Yi clicked on it, he suddenly let out a light snort.

Because he discovered that there was actually one more person in the group.

Those who can enter this group must have an unusual relationship with them.

Su Yi took a closer look and found that the new entrant's name was very long and very distinctive.

His name is Blue Star No. [-] Genius (Jiang Haoran, the No. [-] powerhouse in the future!)
Jiang Haoran is Jiang Piaoxue's younger brother, Su Yi already knew this before.

Isn't the name Jiang Haoran a bit too pretentious?

Su Yi didn't think too much, and quickly sent a line of text.

Welcome new members to join!
A smiling emoji is also added at the back.

Jiang Haoran is Jiang Piaoxue's younger brother, that is, his brother-in-law, so he should greet him.

(End of this chapter)

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