Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 196 It Looks Like You Are Still Dissatisfied

Chapter 196 It Looks Like You Are Still Dissatisfied

"Really want to do it?"

Su Yi's eyes gradually narrowed.

He was tolerant enough, and never thought that the other party would push his nose a little bit.

That being the case, it's better to teach me a lesson.

"Of course!"

The bearded man roared arrogantly, looking as if he was completely convinced by Su Yi.

"Then I'll play with you."

Su Yi smiled faintly, and hooked his fingers towards the beard, "Let the horse come over."

"court death!"

The bearded man couldn't bear it anymore, he clenched his fist and bombarded Su Yi.

"Deng Han, don't be impulsive!"

The short-haired woman yelled and tried to stop it.

Deng Han is a warrior at the second level of Body Tempering Realm, how could Su Yi be his opponent?
Once you get hit by a punch, you might lose your life.

Of course she didn't want this to happen.

However, at this time Deng Han had lost his mind, turned a deaf ear to the short-haired woman's words, and still attacked Su Yi with his fists.

Facing this fierce punch, Su Yi's mouth curled up in a sneer.

Mu Ran, with a movement of his body, he disappeared in place like a ghost.

Also at this moment, the bearded man punched him, but he only hit the air, not even touching the corner of Su Yi's clothes.

"what's the situation?"

The bearded face was bewildered.

Suddenly, a hand landed on his shoulder.

Although it was just a light pat, it gave him the same feeling as being crushed by a mountain.

Under the action of a huge force, the soles of the bearded feet were shattered.

As for his feet, they were also forced in, all the way down to his calves.

Seeing this, the entire hall fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone looked at Su Yi dumbfounded, with deep horror in their eyes.

Deng Han's situation was obviously captured by Su Yi.

What a terrifying force it takes!
Even a warrior of the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm can't do this, right?

What's even more incredible is that Su Yi is a freshman in high school!
What kind of student can be so vigorous?

"You have to make gestures with me, are you satisfied now?"

Su Yi lowered his head, glanced at Deng Han, and sighed.

"Who the hell are you?"

Deng Han was terrified and struggled desperately, but he couldn't break free from the ground no matter what.

"I'm just an ordinary student, but you must not think about retaliation, or you will be hurt very much." Su Yi smiled lightly.

"Don't be complacent."

Deng Han paused for a while, gritted his teeth and growled, "Boy, pull me out quickly! Otherwise, my cousin will definitely teach you a lesson when he comes back!"

"It looks like you're still not convinced!"

Su Yi sighed softly, then smiled and said, "I'll tell you another thing, even if your cousin comes back, he won't make things difficult for me, and will treat me like a guest of honor, are you angry?"

"You bullshit!"

The corners of Deng Han's mouth trembled in anger.

Pei Lin was his cousin, not Su Yi's.

Why help Su Yi and not him?
Others also felt that Su Yi was boasting too much.

If Su Yi is powerful, they admit it.

But after all, Pei Lin is Deng Han's cousin. After learning that Deng Han was beaten, would he treat Su Yi as a guest of honor?
But at this moment, a man and a woman walked into the hall, they were Pei Lin brothers and sisters.

"Cousin, save me!"

Seeing Pei Lin for the first time, Deng Han roared loudly as if seeing a savior.

"Deng Han, what's going on?"

Seeing Deng Han sinking into the mud, Pei Lin and Pei Li ran over quickly.

"Cousin, this kid did it, you must avenge me!"

Deng Han pointed at Su Yi and roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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