Chapter 202

A few minutes later, the three of Su Yi came to the martial arts arena.

As soon as he stood still, Jiang Haoran couldn't wait to say: "Su Yi, can we do it now?"

"Do you have a strong heart for begging for abuse?"

Su Yi curled his lips and stretched out his finger to hook, "Come on!"

Like a raging lion, Jiang Haoran quickly rushed to Su Yi's front, raised his hand and punched him out.

"Second Young Master, show mercy!"

Huang Yi was taken aback and reminded loudly.

He could see clearly that Jiang Haoran's punch was almost unreserved, and 1300 kilograms of strength poured out like a flood.

Can Su Yi resist it?
But at this moment, Su Yi stretched out his hand lightly, and easily grabbed Jiang Haoran's fist.

Accompanied by a muffled sound.

But seeing Jiang Haoran's powerful punch, he couldn't shake Su Yi at all, as if he had hit a huge mountain.

"So strong?"

Huang Yi was very surprised.

According to his understanding, Su Yi's strength should be around the fourth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Then why was he able to block Jiang Haoran's fierce punch?
And it looks unusually easy?
Could it be that Su Yi's strength is far beyond the fourth level of Body Tempering Realm?
Or was it promoted again in such a short period of time?

Jiang Haoran was startled.

He also didn't expect Su Yi to be so strong.

And, what made him even more horrified was that he found that his fist was imprisoned and unable to move.

This shows that Su Yi's strength is far beyond his.

Realizing something was wrong, Jiang Haoran gritted his teeth, clenched his left hand, and hit Su Yi.

However, before this punch could be punched, a disdainful voice suddenly sounded in my ear, "You are so naive!"

Jiang Haoran subconsciously looked at Su Yi, but saw a slight teasing look on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

that feeling.
It was like treating him like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Before Jiang Haoran recovered, he felt a huge force coming, and then he was lifted into the air without any resistance.

The next moment, he was smashed to the ground.

"Su Yi is too strong!"

Huang Yi was stunned.

Jiang Haoran can definitely be regarded as the leader of the younger generation. At this age, there are few opponents, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible.

However, in the duel with Su Yi, he was completely at a disadvantage.

To be more precise, he was crushed directly without any resistance.

The gap between the two is so big that they are not at the same level at all.

Su Yi walked up to Jiang Haoran, bowed his head, and said calmly, "Are you convinced?"

At this moment, Jiang Haoran's eyes were a little dull.

Physical pain is secondary, the key is that the blow to the mind is too fatal.

For a long time, he has never lost in the battles at the same age.

Never thought about it, but was crushed by Su Yi on the spot.

How embarrassing!

Mu Ran and Jiang Haoran got up from the ground, stared at Su Yi, and roared: "I don't accept it!"

"Then I'll beat you until you're convinced!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, and took two steps back, leaving room for Jiang Haoran to attack.

"Su Yi, don't be complacent, I still have cards! This time I will definitely crush you!"

Jiang Haoran grinned grimly, and the aura on his body suddenly became much more intense.

"I am waiting."

Su Yi was not in a hurry, and stood quietly on the spot, waiting for Jiang Haoran to use his ultimate move.

Suddenly, a dragon chant resounded.

However, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Haoran, and after a while of rolling, it condensed into a long black dragon.

The long black dragon circled in the air, raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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