Chapter 215 Su Yi is Too Strong

"too frightening!"

Seeing this scene, the corners of Pei Lin's mouth trembled.

Pei Li beside her was even more unbearable, her face was pale, and her delicate body trembled.

There is no doubt that Jin Linmang's great strength has put a heavy pressure on them.


Suddenly, another scream floated over.

But Jin Linmang rushed into the crowd, opened his mouth bloody, and directly tore a human warrior into pieces.


A strong man with a body like an iron tower roared, holding a pitch-black giant ax and slammed it on Jin Linmang's head fiercely.

There was a loud bang!
This ax seemed to be splitting on a piece of steel, only sparks sprang up, and it didn't even break the skin of Jin Linmang, let alone cause any damage.

"how so."

The strong man in the iron tower was stunned.

At this moment of daze, Jin Linmang swept his tail and hit his body heavily.

The body of the strong man in the iron tower was twisted and deformed immediately, flying backward like a shooting star.

Seeing the instant killing of the strong man in the iron tower, the other human fighters were all terrified and lost the courage to continue to fight, turning around and running away.

"Su Yi, let's run for our lives too!"

Pei Lin was terrified and reminded tremblingly.

In his opinion, Jin Linmang is far beyond the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Even, a martial artist at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm may not necessarily be an opponent.

Facing such a ferocious beast, he had no choice but to run for his life.


There was a look of disdain on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, "You wait here, I will meet it in the past."

Under the terrified and inexplicable eyes of Pei Lin brothers and sisters, Mu Ran rushed forward like an arrow that left the string.

"Su Yi."

Brother and sister Pei Lin were dumbfounded.

They really couldn't understand why Su Yi refused to give up after seeing Jin Linmang's terrifying strength?

Are you really not afraid of death?

When those fleeing human warriors saw Su Yi rushing towards Jin Linmang, their thoughts froze a bit.

One of the grizzled old men froze for a moment, and shouted at Su Yi, "Come back quickly! You don't want to live!"

Su Yi turned a deaf ear and continued to charge towards Jinlinmang bravely.

"That kid must be a fool, leave him alone, run for your life!"

The other warriors believed that Su Yi had a brain problem, greeted the gray old man, and ran away desperately.


The gray old man sighed deeply, turned around, and followed closely behind the other warriors.

Unexpectedly, before they ran a few steps, there was a loud noise behind them.

what's the situation?
The gray old man and the others glanced back subconsciously.

When he saw Su Yi punching Jin Linmang's tail, both sides flew back at the same time.

Everyone was stunned.

When this happens, it shows that Su Yi's strength is comparable to that of Jin Linmang.

However, Jin Linmang has completely surpassed the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, and his strength value may have reached 2500 kilograms.

On the other hand, Su Yi is just a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. Why does he have such tyrannical strength?
"Su Yi is too strong!"

Brother and sister Pei Lin were also shocked and inexplicable.

They had seen Su Yi kill Bailu Yanxiong, and they knew that Su Yi was very strong.

But it never occurred to him that he could be so strong that he would not be defeated by Jin Linmang's hard steel.

On the other side, after Su Yi was hit flying, he landed on the edge of a pool.

Just as he got up, the sound of the system sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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