Chapter 225 Returning to the city with me or resisting
"Ha ha."

Everyone in the Fire Wolf Gang was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

After a long time, the ugly man stopped laughing, looked at Su Yi with a look like a fool, and said sarcastically: "Boy, you are very funny, but you are just a little stupid. Even our Fire Wolf Gang dares to threaten you. I will teach you a lesson you will never forget!"

After saying that, he quickly reached out and grabbed Su Yi.


Su Yi snorted softly and shot at the same time.

A click.

Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking echoed.

But he saw that the entire wrist of the ugly man was directly broken by Su Yi.


The ugly man looked at Su Yi inexplicably in horror, feeling a sharp pain, and roared loudly.

The other members of the Fire Wolf Gang were dumbfounded.

They never expected that the ugly man would not even have the power to resist under Su Yi's hands.

You know, the ugly big man is a real fighter of the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, so how powerful should Su Yi be?

At least beyond the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Thinking of this, a layer of fear filled their hearts involuntarily.

"Isn't it good to go back to the source city with me honestly and accept the sanctions? Why do you have to force me to do it?"

Su Yi glanced at the ugly man, snorted softly, turned to look at the other members of the Fire Wolf Gang, and said calmly, "What about you? Come back to the city with me or resist?"

All of a sudden, the members of the Fire Wolf Gang felt a little uneasy.

If you go back to the city with Su Yi, you will be sanctioned by the law enforcement team.

Given the numerous crimes they have committed, it is likely to be a capital offense.

But if they don't agree, Su Yi will definitely not let them go.

Even the ugly big man in the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm was no match, and they might not even be as good as ants in Su Yi's eyes.

For a moment, they didn't know what choice to make.

"I'll give you three breathing times. If you don't make a choice, I'll help you choose." Su Yi snorted coldly.

He didn't have time to spend with the members of the Fire Wolf Gang.

"Brothers, fight with him!"

Suddenly, a bald man gritted his teeth and rushed towards Su Yi.

Compared with others, he has joined the Fire Wolf Gang for the longest time and committed the most crimes. He once killed a source city guard.

Others may have a chance of survival when they enter the city, but he is sure to die.

Since they are all dead, why not encourage others to fight with themselves?
Hearing this, the other members of the Fire Wolf Gang were a little hesitant.

Is it a fight?Or let Su Yi slaughter him?

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from their ears.

It was the bald man who took the lead, and his thigh was broken by Su Yi's kick, exposing the stubble of his bones.

Seeing this, all the members of the Fire Wolf Gang broke out in cold sweat, Qiqi said to Su Yi, "We are willing to go back to the city with you."

"Count you are interesting."

Su Yi snorted softly, pointed at the big ugly man and the bald man, and ordered, "Take these two with you."


The members of the Fire Wolf Gang did not dare to hesitate and divided into two groups, one group carried the bald man, and the other group supported the ugly man.

At this time, the ugly man had woken up from the pain, stared at Su Yi coldly, and threatened: "Boy, you'd better let us go! Otherwise, our leader will definitely not spare you lightly. Realm triple martial artist!"

In his opinion, Su Yi would definitely be afraid to move out Jian Chihao.

Maybe if they get scared, they will let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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